random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Grosse Illusionen
Demand. Gursky. Ruscha
HC 30,5 x 24 cm 120 S.
Kunstmuseum Bonn/Museum of Contemporary Art
North Miami o.J.
random picks
Joachim Schmid
Belo Horizonte, Praca Rui Barbosa
Lena Granefeldt
Elina Brotherus
Elina Brotherus
Jem Southam
Landscape Stories
Mahmoud Dabdoub
Alltag in der DDR
Mette Tronvoll
Stefan Canham
Portraits from Above - Hongkong's Informal Rooftop communities
Eusebius Wirdeier
Zeitraffer Waidmarkt. Bildarchiv 2004 - 2011
Guy Tillim
Thomas Weber
Henryk Ross - Lodz Ghetto Album
Selected by Martin Parr and Timothy Pruss
Robert Adams
Summer Nights
Antoine D´Agata
Erik Kessels
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
80 Photographies de Moï Ver
Kalte Herzen. Klasse Rautert
Fotografie/Video/Installation - HGB Leipzig
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Abstrakte Kunst
Kathrin Becker
Remake Berlin
Raymond Depardon
Paris Journal
Hans Bellmer
Douglas Fogle
Painting at the Edge of the World
Gerhard Richter
Yvonne Spielmann
Bild Medium Kunst
Derek Henderson
The Terrible Boredom of Paradise
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places - Amerika. Das Gesamtwerk
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Mitch Epstein
American power
The La Brea Matrix Proposal, Ltd. Edition of 100 copies
6 German Photographers and a New Color Icon
Chihiro Minato
Chihiro Minato: France, Greece
In - between 2
Don Kirby
Essays by Richard Manning & Jay Dusard
Ahmet Unver
Far away
Jack Pierson
The Lonely Life
Slavica Perkovic
Matea has 220 friends
Brigitte Maria Mayer
Der Tod ist ein Irrtum
Jakob Tuggener
Ballnächte / Ball Nights 1934 - 1950
Places to go, people to see
Heinrich Riebesehl
Fotografische Serien 1963-2001
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression
Tom Lingnau
Heft 7 - Are you friendly or are you not?
Richard Kalvar
Paul Graham
Catalogue 1990
Ruth Orkin
Above and Beyond
Julius Shulman
Vest Pocket Pictures
Katja Stuke
Suits vs. Facts & Fiction
Boris Becker
Claims and Constructions
Stephen Shore
Stephen Shore
Rudy Burckhardt
New York Moments
Fotografien und Filme
Hannah Modigh
Hillbilly Heroin, Honey
Stanley Kubrick
Drama & Shadows: 1945 - 1950
Joel Sternfeld
Walking the High Line
Thomas Ruff
l.m.v.d.r. 2
hrsg. v. Julian Heynen
Celine van Balen
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #68
Hellen Van Meene
New Photos
Mali Photos. in slipcase