random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1984-1993
Hrsg. v. Zdenek Felix
Deichtorhallen/De Appel 1994
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random picks
Osamu Kanemura
Spider's Strategy
Michael Light
Bingham Mine/ Garfield Stack
Joel Sternfeld
Hart Island
Annelies Oberdanner
Wien - Buch 2. Wien 1995-2009
140 Fotografien
Jeff Burton
Richard Kalvar
Miroslav Tichy
Juergen Teller
Mitch Epstein
Vietnam. A Book of Changes
Helmut Newton
Us and Them
Christian Bouqueret
Les femmes photographes de la nouvelle vision en France 1920-1940
Paul Andriesse
Serge Lutens
Ihei Kimura
Paris, Photographs 1954 - 1955
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Kirill Golovchenko
7 km - Field of wonders
John Stathatos
the book of lost cities
Karl Hugo Schmölz
Dom-Ansichten. Fotografien des Kölner Doms1939 bis1962
Michael Wolf
Sitting in China
Michael Wolf
The Transparent City
Helena van der Kraan
Helena van der Kraan
Gilles Mora
Das Auge und der Apparat. Die Fotosammlung der Albertina
Sergio Larrain
London 1958-59
Introduced by Mike Seaborne
Magazine 032c - We Are Synchro Time
William Klein
New York 1954.55
Roni Horn
You are the weather
De Nordzee
Robert Adams
Tree Line
Hasselblad 2009
Joel Meyerowitz
Bruce Gilden
Fashion Magazine
Kuge Yasuhide
Olivier Beer
Lucien Hervé
Luis Gonzales Palma
Poems of Sorrow
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Grundformen Industrieller Bauten
Christopher Wool
East Broadway Breakdown
Bill Jacobson
A series of human decisions
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Gordon McDonald
It's wrong to wish on Space Hardware
Danny Lyon
Deep Sea Diver
Public Folder
Dsa Ich / The me
Marc Räder
Mallorca - Island in Progress
Beat Streuli
Vincent Cianni
We Skate Hardcore
Chris Coekin
Knock Three Times. Working men, social clubs and other stories
Victor Palla
Lisboa - Cidade triste e alegre
Re-edit 2009
Christian Andersen
Explosions/with-without my friends
Carel van Hees
Play. A photographic record
Michael Schindhelm
Das Kamel auf der Startbahn
Anders Petersen
Séte # 08