random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
August Sander
Köln wie es war
August Sander Werkausgabe
HC 22 x 29 cm., 550 S.
August Sander Archiv/Kölnisches Stadtmuseum 1995
random picks
Peter Granser
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Pip Erken
Remnants of the recent past. The Soviet energy legacy
Max Regenberg
Power is nothing without control
Plakat und öffentlicher Raum. Eine fotografische Langzeitstudie
Josef Sudek
Prag panoramatisch
Continental Drift - Europe Approaching the Millenium. 10 Photographic Commissions
Ernesto Bazan
Simon Roberts
European Photography
Number 76
The World´s largest Photographs From Kodak and George Eastman House Collection
Heidi Specker
Im Garten
Huellas de Luz
El Arte y los Experimentos de William Henry Fox Talbot
Susanne Lange
Bernd und Hilla Becher
Festschrift Erasmuspreis 2002
Seino Yoshiko
The Sign of Life
Fotografia Publica. Photography in Print 1919-1939
James Steele
R.M. Schindler
Diane Keaton
Mr. Salesman
Bauhaus Weimar. Entwürfe für die Zukunft
Jonas Maron
Chandlers Welt
Eine Spurensuche an der amerikanischen Westküste
Dana Lixenberg
The Last Days of Shishmaref
Mischa Keijser
Nicolas Faure
Switzerland on the Rocks
Garry Winogrand
Women are beautiful
Nicholas Kahn
The Apollo Prophecies
Richard Billingham
Essay by Michael Tarantino
10th Anniversary Issue
Peter Granser
Coney Island
Emanuel Raab
William Klein
The La Brea Matrix Proposal, Ltd. Edition of 100 copies
6 German Photographers and a New Color Icon
Claude Nori
An Italian Summer
Immagini Del Nostro Tempo
Fotografie dalla collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Martin Parr
Common Sense
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Guy Stricherz
Americans in Kodachrome
Todd Hido
House Hunting
Morad Bouchakour
No Pain, No Gain
Larry Clark
Punk Picasso
Mali Photos. in slipcase
JH Engström
From Back Home
Joel Sternfeld
Tatorte - Bilder gegen das Vergessen
Ryan McGinley
Ryan McGinley
Nobuyoshi Araki
Yoshiki Hishinumi
100 Flowers, 100 Butterflies
Ulrich Mattner
Frankfurt Inside
Thomas Ruff
l.m.v.d.r. 2
hrsg. v. Julian Heynen
Petra Wittmar
Medebach. Photographien / Photographs 1979 - 1983
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Naoya Hatakeyama
Naoya Hatakeyama
Iwate Museum of Art