random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Michael Ackerman
End Time City
HC 31 x 27,5 cm., 138 pp.
Scalo 1999
random picks
John Harten
Public Folder
Launch Issue - Rave / Change
Timm Rautert
Wenn wir dich nicht sehen, siehst du uns auch nicht
Fotografien 1966 - 2006
Yasuhiko Uchihara
Son of a Bit
Christer Strömholm
Christer Strömholm 1918 - 2002. On verra bien
Christian Skrein
Takashi Homma
Volker Heinze
Missing Walker
Brigitte Lardinois
Magnum Magnum
Kikuji Kawada
Kikuji Kawada / The Map
Henry Bond
La vie quotidienne
Deanna Templeton
Your logo here. Photographs from Southern California, 2004-2006
Geoffroy de Boismenu
Geoffroy de Boismenu: Libenter
Dennis Hopper
1712 North Crescent Heights
Photographs 1962-1968
Simen Johan
Room to Play
Liselotte Strelow
Retrospektive 1908 - 1981
Cindy Sherman
History Portraits
Out of the Ordinary / Extraordinary
Japanese Contemporary Photography
Marianne Müller
The Flock
Hicham Benohoud
La salle de classe
Claus Goedicke
Sandra Ulrichskötter
Fee Schlapper
Portraitfotografie 1952 - 1997
Stanley Booth
Rhythm Oil. A Journey Through the Music of the American South
Christoph Burtscher
My father is the boss. Early photographs
David Farrell
Innocent Landscapes
Klavdij Sluban
Go East
Christian Patterson
Sound Affects
Heinrich Riebesehl
Fotografische Serien 1963-2001
Pesi Girsch
Natures Mortes
Andrey Tarkovsky
Lichtbilder - Die Polaroids
Abelardo Morell
a book of books
Daido Moriyama
One picture book # 39
Roswitha Hecke
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume I
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un Faune
Herta Wolf
Diskurse der Fotografie
Fotokritik am Ende des fotografischen Zeitalters
Bruce Haley
13 Million Tons of Pig Iron
Hara Mikiko
Hysteric Thirteen
Rika Noguchi
Seeing Birds
Miki Nakatani
About a girl
Krass Clement
New York
Text by Thomas Page
Alex Webb
Hot Light/Half Made Worlds
Photographs from the Tropics
Africa inside - Photography from Africa
Michael Wolf
Sitting in China 2010 + 11
Photobook Award Catalogue Volume 4
Robert Lebeck
Neugierig auf Welt
Erinnerungen eines Fotoreporters
Christiane Stahl
Lebendiger Kristall
Fischli & Weiss
Peter Fischli & David Weiss
Stephen Shore
The Velvet Years 1965-67. Warhol's Factory