random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Emily Andersen
Paradise lost & found
HC, 26,5 x 24 cm., 82 pp., printrun of 750 copies
Hot Shoe 2009
random picks
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
80 Photographies de Moï Ver
Jean-Luc de Laguarigue
... the rest
Martha Cooper
Street Play
Satoru Toma
Ask the cat
Bruxelles - Limites
Jenny Harper
Boyd Webb
Fischli & Weiss
Sichtbare Welt
Willy Ronis
Moises Saman
This is War
Witness to Man's Destruction
Frederic Lezmi
Poor Politicians #2
28 destroyed posters of Albanian politicians in the streets of Prishtina
Birgitta Lund
In Transit
Eugene Richards
Americans We
Joan Fontcuberta
Joan Fontcuberta
Wang Xiao Hui
Erotic Flowers
Michael Schmidt
Beat Streuli
Mahmoud Dabdoub
Alltag in der DDR
The Purple Journal
Number 9, Winter 06/07
Korrie Besems
A contrived Past
Alexandr Hackenschmied
Fabio Barile
Things That Do Not Happen
Diary No.0
Duane Hanson
More than reality
European Photography Nr. 72
Gottfried Jäger
Generative Arbeiten 1967-1996. Drei Projekte
Thomas Florschuetz
Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
Hellen van Meene
Jan Ketz (Hrsg.)
L. Fritz Gruber zum 95.
Jules Spinatsch
Brand New Animals / We will never be so close again
IdN Special 02: Cultvision
Mark Cohen
True Color
Wilhelm Schürmann
Pegel Köln
Bruce Davidson
East 100th Street
Dieter Bachmann
Der Körper der Photographie
Eine Welterzählung in Aufnahmen der Sammlung Herzog
Robert Parke Harrison
The Architect´s Brother
Frauen sehen Frauen. Eine Bildgeschichte der Frauen-Photographie von Julia Margaret Cameron bis Inez van Lamsweerde
Yayoi Kusama
Nic Nicosia
Giasco Bertoli
Andreas Mueller-Pohle
Foto + Video 1977-1999
No. 4 Terry Richardson
in Düsseldorf
Stephen Gill
Outside in
Martin Parr
Signs of the Times. A portrait of the nation's taste
James Agee
Let us praise famous men
Tina Enghoff
Fran en tid / out of a time
Annelies Oberdanner
Mathieu Keuter
Tall tales / Grote verhalen
Tina Enghoff
Seven Years
Paul Kranzler
The EYE Club
Gabriele Basilico
Interrupted City / La ciudad interrumpida
Claude Nori
An Italian Summer
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Photographs by Lee Friedlander
Paul Levinson
Digital McLuhan. A guide to the information millenium
Retorn al país de les meravelles. L`art contemporani i la infància
Eva Leitolf
Rostock Ritz (English Ed.)