random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ute Behrend
Girls, some boys and other cookies
HC, 19 x 28 cm., o.pp.
Scalo 1996
"Brave girls need good shoes so they can run away when things get dangerous."
random picks
Igor Kostin
Tschernobyl Nahaufnahme
John Divola
Dogs chasing my car
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #3
Takashi Homma
New Documentary. Exhibition Catalogue
Christophe Bourguedieu
Espen R. Krughaug
Before Dawn
Ed Ruscha
Course of Empire. United States Pavilion, 51st, Venice Biennale
Olaf Otto Becker
Above zero
The La Brea Matrix Proposal, Ltd. Edition of 100 copies
6 German Photographers and a New Color Icon
Marc Räder
Juergen Teller
Zwei Schäuferle mit Kloß und eine Kinderportion Schnitzel mit Pommes Frites
Deborah Turbeville
Past Imperfect 1978-1997
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
100 Jahre Farbfotografie
Anders Petersen
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #6 from 6 folders
Source #28
Autumn 2001
Philip Jones Griffiths
Vietnam Inc.
Confronting View s
Edward Hopper
Western Motel
Edward Hopper und die zeitgenössische Kunst
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Stephen Gill
Outside in
Jonas Bendiksen
Paul Graham
Denis Proteor
Parts pour l'ame-chaudron
Harold Chapman
Beats à Paris. Paris und die Dichter der Beatgeneration 1957-1963
Elger Esser
Cap d´Antifer - Étretat
Giasco Bertoli
Stefania Gurdowa
Negatives are to be stored / Klsze przechowuje sie
Margit Zuckriegl
Weegee's Story. From the Berinson Collection
Oliver Sieber
Character Thieves
Petter Hegre
100 naked girls
Nic Nicosia
Alixandra Fazzina
A Million Shillings. Escape from Somalia
Peter Lindbergh
Ron Galella
The Photographs of Ron Galella
Ed van der Elsken
Long Live me!
Mark Silva
Desperately seeking Twinka
One Picture book # 36
shirana Shabazi
Goftare Nik
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Koji Onaka
Tokyo Candy Box
Morinaga Jun
Kawa / River
It´s Shadow of Shadows
Michael Schindhelm
Das Kamel auf der Startbahn
Jeffrey Ladd
Errata books #1-4
Atget - Paris; Evans - American Photographs; Ristelhueber - Fait; Killip - In Flagrante
Graciela Iturbide
Fukase Masahisa
Number 34
Elmar Bambach
Ein Magazin über Orte, No. 5 - "Tatorte/
Meisterwerke der Fotografie
William Eggleston
Ancient and Modern