random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Polly Borland
The Babies
HC, 27 x 24,5 cm., o.pp. 95 ill.
Powerhouse 2001
Essay by Susan Sontag
random picks
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #4 from 6 folders
Nakahira Takuma
For a Language to Come
Cosmin Bumbut
Francoise Huguier
J'avais huit ans
Michael Ruetz
Eye On Time
Daido Moriyama
Josef Koudelka
Thomas Struth
Stephen Gill
Hackney Wick
Göran Gnaudschun
Göran Gnaudschun
Miriam Bäckström
Anononymous Interviews
Open City
Street Photography since 1950
Sehnsucht nach Utopie
Film und Fotografie im Dialog
Sophie Calle
M'as-tu vue
100 Jahre Farbfotografie
Richard Prince
The girl next door
Ellen Auerbach
Ellen Auerbach
Heiner Schilling
Neo Complex City
John Duncan
Trees from Germany
Bettina Rheims
More Trouble
Alex Webb
Hot Light/Half Made Worlds
Photographs from the Tropics
Boris Mikhailov
Verbal Photography
Sibylle Bergemann
Die Polaroids / The Polaroids
Rika Noguchi
The Planet: Noguchi Rika
Ragnar Axelsson
Die Seele des Nordens/Faces of the North - German Edition
Mario Sorrenti
The Machine
Peter Hujar - Eine Retrospektive
Garry Winogrand
The Man in the Crowd
The uneasy streets of Garry Winogrand
Elmar Bambach
Ein Magazin über Orte, No. 5 - "Tatorte/
Keith Arnatt
I´m a Real Photographer
Gaylord Oscar Herron
Ute Eskildsen
Ein Bilderbuch
Fotografische Sammlung im Museum Folkwang
Robert Adams
Along some Rivers
Duane Michals
Chance Meeting
Anton Corbijn
U2 & I
The Photographs 1982 - 2004
India through the lens. Photography 1840-1911
John Szarkowski
Ansel Adams at 100
Die grosse Retrospektive
Photographien/Photographs 1925-1938
Michael Subotzky
Beaufort West
Dennis Hopper
A System of Moments
Cornell Capa
Cornell Capa
Ute Langanky
Andy Warhol
Paintings and Sculptures 1964 -1969
Christian Andersen
Explosions/with-without my friends
Kirill Golovchenko
7 km - Field of wonders
Antje Peters
01/ The Girlfriend
02/ The Popstar
Absage an die Wirklichkeit
Subjektive Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie
Frank Gohlke
Mount ST. Helens
Fotografie als Dimension der Malerei
K. Helmer-Petersen
122 Colour Photographs
Guy Stricherz
Americans in Kodachrome