random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Elinor Carucci
HC 28,5 x 24,5 cm 120 pp.
Chronicle Books 2002
random picks
Sophie Ristelhueber
Details of The World
Deborah Mesa-Pelly
Deborah Mesa-Pelly
Marco Lachi
Cape Town - South Africa
Koos Breukel
Photostudio Koos Breukel
Nadav Kander
Beauty's nothing
Edited by Michael Mack
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Abstrakte Kunst
Iwao Yamawaki
Greg Gorman
Just Between Us
Rika Noguchi
The Planet: Noguchi Rika
Peter Piller
Vorzüge der Absichtslosigkeit
R. Buckminster Fuller
Your private sky
Kunst Design Wissenschaft
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Masafumi Sanai
Susan Bright
Art Photography Now
Edward Hopper
Western Motel
Edward Hopper und die zeitgenössische Kunst
Bela Doka
The Sundays of life
Berenice Abbott
Changing New York
David Maisel
Eric Larrayadieu
Jours Incertains
Herb Ritts
Essay von Trevor Fairbrother
Fotografische Positionen 2010
Jäger Aren
1416 Anholt
Garry Winogrand
The Animals
Anders Petersen
"Ich Dich lieben, Du mich auch?"
Henry Wessel
Henry Wessel
Arnold Odermatt
Meine Welt. Photographien/ Photographs 1939-1993
Michael A. Smith
A Visual Journey. Photographs from Twenty-Five Years
Michael Schmidt
Erik Kessels
The Instant Men
New York. Stadt der Fotografen - Upcoming in Oktober!
Julie Ganzin
Les beaux jour
Peter Dressler
Greifbare Schönheit / Tangible Beauty / Beaute Tangible
Mined ...
never mined, Issue 3
Wytske van Keulen
We would come to doubt everything.
And almost everyone would come to doubt.
Jan Wenzel
Thierry Girard
Voyage au pays du Réel
En suivant la Grrande Diagonale de Victor Segalen
Takashi Homma
Stars and Stripes
New York December 26, 2001 - January 5, 2002
John Szarkowski
Ricardo Daza
Auf der Suche nach Mies
Thomas Demand
Koos Breukel
Cosmetic View
Van Zoetendaal 2006
Eva Leitolf
Rostock Ritz (German Ed.)
Frederic Lezmi
Beyond Borders - WHITE PRESS #6 (Arabic Edition )
Thomas Wrede
Lewis Baltz
Lewis Baltz
Josef Koudelka
Rob Hornstra
Communism & Cowgirls
Max Pam
Volume One: Australia and America
Jolanda Bucher
Hannah Villiger