random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
De France
HC, 28,5 x14,5 cm., o.pp.
Sieben Fotografen präsentieren ihre Arbeiten zum Thema Frankreich.
Seven photographers about France. Their own point of view.
random picks
Manfred Willmann
Die Sieger. Arbeiten 1971-1989
Lewis Baltz
Die Toten von Newport Beach - The Deaths' in Newport
Geschichten von Verlangen und Macht - Stories of Desire and Power
Pekka Turunen
Keiko Nomura
Keiko Nomura: Italy, Sweden
In - between 6
Hans Aarsman
Vroom! Vroom!
Antoine D´Agata
Eikoh Hosoe
Ordeal By Roses. Ba Ra Kei
Tina Barney
The Europeans
Joachim Schmid
Very Miscellaneous
Country Life. The Village Hall Exhibitions
Robert Adams
Along some Rivers
Slavica Perkovic
Matea has 220 friends
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
Leo Rubinfien
A Map of the East
Georges Hugnet
Huger Foote
It´s Always The Day After
Unclassified. A Walker Evans Anthology
Ed Panar
Golden Palms
Max Regenberg
Power is nothing without control
Plakat und öffentlicher Raum. Eine fotografische Langzeitstudie
Mauro D'Agati
VII - Agency Seven
WAR. USA Afghanistan Iraq
Jonathan Torgovnik
Bollywood Dreams
An exploration of the motion picture industry and its culture in india
Hans-Christian Schink
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Machiel Botman
Bruce Weber
All - American
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Michajlov: Am Boden / Die Dämmerung
Jens Liebchen
Martin Parr
Langweilige Postkarten
Gabriele Basilico
Text Gabriel Bauret
Heinrich Riebesehl
John Gossage
The Auckland Project - Coming soon!
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
A Storybook Life
Gilles Peress
Die Gräber / Les Tombes / The Graves
Srebenica and Vukovar - ANSICHTS- / RESTEXEMPLAR!
Silber & Gold
Klasse Rautert Fotografie
Ludwig Schirmer
zu Hause
Jens Liebchen
Politik & Kunst - Kunst & Politik
Adam Bartos
KOSMOS - A Portrait of the Russian Space Age
with an essay by Svetlana Boym
Janne Lehtinen
The Descendants
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression
Mark Power
The Shipping Forecast
Kathrin Ahlt
TMP. 36,0
Erich Salomon
Mit Frack und Linse durch Politik und Gesellschaft
Photographien 1928-1938
Alec Soth
Paris Minnesota
Fashion Magazine by Alec Soth
Rika Noguchi
Seeing Birds
Michael Sondern
Sinnliche Enthüllungen
Roswitha Hecke
Roy Finer
Alex Webb
City of a Hundred Names
Diana Blok
AY DIOS. Curacao Corazon Curacion