random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
John Divola
Dogs chasing my car
HC, 29 x 31 cm., o.pp.
Nazraeli 2004
random picks
Peter Dressler
Tie Break
William Klein
In and Out Fashion
Magali Nougarede
Toeing the Line
Musicians. Portraits 1981-2001
Edward Burtynsky
Manufactured Landscapes
Richard Avedon
Peter Dressler
Bleibende Werte
Lasting Values , Valeurs Sures
Leo Divendal
Hellen Van Meene
New Photos
John G. Morris
Get the picture
A Personal History of Photojournalism
Köln 1970 1995
Fotografien von Chargesheimer und Wolfgang Vollmer
Stefan Roemer
Corporate psycho ambient
Michael Ackerman
End Time City
Joan Fontcuberta
Miracles et Cie
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
Complete Work
Eusebius Wirdeier
Zeitraffer Waidmarkt. Bildarchiv 2004 - 2011
Peter Dressler
Greifbare Schönheit / Tangible Beauty / Beaute Tangible
Asako Narahashi
NU . E
Adam Bartos
KOSMOS - A Portrait of the Russian Space Age
with an essay by Svetlana Boym
Evzen Sobek
Life in Blue
Thierry Girard
Voyage au pays du Réel
En suivant la Grrande Diagonale de Victor Segalen
Richard Copeland Miller
Passage: Europe
Anton Corbijn
U2 & I
The Photographs 1982 - 2004
Jens Jäger
Photographie: Bilder der Neuzeit. Einführung in die Historische Bildforschung
Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
John Gossage
The Auckland Project - Coming soon!
Hans Eijkelboom
Paris New York Shanghai
A book about the past, present and (possibly) future capital of the world
Boris Mikhailov
Unfinished Dissertation
Robert Maxwell
Jane Livingston
The New York School
Photographs 1936-1963
Seydou Keita
Seydou Keita
Lars Tunbjörk
Carl De Keyzer
Tableaux d'Histoire
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting for Los Angeles
Martin Parr
Think of England
Barbara Klemm
Unsere Jahre
Bilder aus Deutschland 1968-1998
Frank Gohlke
Mount ST. Helens
Antoine D´Agata
Hermann Krone
Experiment. Kunst. Massenmedium
Paul Fryer
Don´t Be So . . .
Melanie Pullen
High Fashion Crime Scenes
Roni Horn
Loretta Lux
New Work
Torsten Andreas Hoffmann
New York New York. Ansichten einer Stadt