random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Bertrand Fleuret
Landmasses and Railways
HC 25 x 17 cm.,
J and L 2009
Fleuret's travels lead him through Europe, outward, and inward at the same time, into the regions of literature and songs.
random picks
Christoph Bangert
Schweigendes Land
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien von 1984 bis heute
Dan Eldon
The Journal is the Destination
Joakim Eskildsen
Stephen Shore
American surface
Helena Pals
För att / Because
Steve Schapiro
American Edge
Stephan Vanfleteren
Marshall McLuhan
Das Medium ist die Botschaft -the medium is the message
David T. Hanson
Waste Land. Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #2
Op bezoek bij.../Zu Besuch bei...
Magnum Landscape
Koji Onaka
2001 - 2005
Proust und die Liebe zur Photographie
Ari Marcopoulos
Ad Rock / Adam Horovitz
Vladimir Birgus
Czech Photography of the 20th Century - A Guide
Hans Eijkelboom
Fotonotities 1992 - 2004. A selection from the photogr. diary
Fotograf und Grafiker
Cy Twombly
Andreas Feininger
Aya Fujioka
Comment te dire adieu
Werner von Mutzenbecher
Im Film Sein
Florian Böhm
End Commercial
Michael A. Smith
A Visual Journey. Photographs from Twenty-Five Years
Luuk Wilmering
A personal Geographic
The Acts of Mercy / De Werken van Barmhartigheid
Ansichtssache Fussballplatz
Richard Renaldi
Figure and Ground
Tom Wood
Photie Man
Yayoi Kusama
Sally Mann
Unmittelbare Familie
Joost Bosland
Side Gallery 2007
Nina Korhonen
Anna, American Mummu
Hiroshi Ono
Hiroshi Ono: Austria, Slovenia
In - between 4
Cindy Sherman
History Portraits
Gabriel Orozco
Gerrit Engel
Buffalo Grain Elevators
Shirin Neshat
Two Installations
JH Engström
Sketch Of Home
Steve McCurry
David Lachapelle
Hotel Lachapelle
Martin Blume
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume II
Michael Light
100 Sonnen
Roni Horn
This is Me, This is You
Lucien Hervé
Architektur der Wahrheit. Die Zisterzienserabtei Le Thoronet
Georgischer Frühling. Ein Magnum Tagebuch
The Helsinki School 3. Young Photography by TaiK
Helmut Newton
Txema Salvans
Nice to meet you
David Octavius Hill
Hill & Adamson
Von den Anfängen der künstlerischen Photographie im 19. Jhdt.