random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Douglas Fogle
Painting at the Edge of the World
SC 17 x 23 cm 350 pp.
Walker Art Center, Indianapolis 2001
random picks
Margherita Spiluttini
Almut Klingbeil
Die Bilder wechseln
Meereslandschaften in deutschen Fotobüchern der 20er bis 40er Jahre
Marco Pesaresi
Emily Andersen
Paradise lost & found
Morinaga Jun
Kawa / River
It´s Shadow of Shadows
Josef Koudelka
L'Épreuve Totalitaire
Garry Winogrand
Public Relations
Noorderlicht. Sense of Space
Curated by Wim Melis
Walter van Beirendonck
Fashion 2001 Landed # 1
Nobuyoshi Araki
Rolf Sachsse
Die Erziehung zum Wegsehen
Fotografie im NS-Staat
Peter Lindbergh
Invasion - Stern Portfolio no. 29
Dan Graham
Dan Graham by Dan Graham
Hylton Nel
Hylton Nel
Henri Cartier-Bresson
In India
Amanda Eliasch
British Artists at Work
Helmut Newton
Paolo Pellegrin
Kosovo, 1999 - 2000. The Flight of Reason
Christoph Schifferli
The Japanese Box
Mit einem Essay von Akihito Yasumi
Henrik Malmström
On borrowed time. Lainatulla Ajalla - Pa lanad tid
Stephen Shore
Das Wesen der Fotografie
John Szarkowski
Eugène Atget Band IV. Das neue Jahrhundert
Official Portraits
The executive Heads of state of the 191 member states of the UNO
Olaf Otto Becker
Broken Line. Grönland
Billy Wilder's Some like it hot
Kim Bouvy
Phantom City
a photo novel
Act of Faith
Josef Koudelka
Lime Stone
Henry Wessel
House Pictures
Olaf Martens
Frosty Fire
Rene Burri
77 Strange Sensations
Ikko Narahara
Number 31
Hans-Peter Feldmann
272 pages
Takashi Homma
In Our Nature
Ulrike Myrzik
Die Hecke / The Hedge
Olivo Barbieri
Susanne Pfleger
Yet Untitled. Die Sammlung Bernd F. Künne
Olivier Beer
Lucien Hervé
Matthew Sleeth
Tour of Duty
Elisabeth Foch
Lartigue´s Winter Pictures
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Mikhailov - A Retrospective / Eine Retrospktive
private Freuden / lastende Langeweile / öffentlicher Zerfall
Harvey Benge
Text Book
Andreas Gefeller
Stuart O´Sullivan
How beautiful this Place can be
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Field Trips
Joachim Brohm
Fahren / Drive
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Anthony Goicolea
Purple 10
Special Portrait
Yoshihiko Ueda