random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Franz Roh
Retrospektive Fotografie
SC 21 x 26,5 cm 112 S.
Monzona 1981
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random picks
Cornell Capa
Cornell Capa
Morten Andersen
Days of Night
Kikuji Kawada
The Globe Theater
Carl De Keyzer
East of Eden. Eastern Europe in 1995
Robert Adams
Along some Rivers
Huger Foote
It´s Always The Day After
Oleg Klimov
Russland. Erbe eines Vergangenen Imperiums
John Gossage
Berlin in the time of the Wall
An exhibition about a book and its photographs
Giasco Bertoli
Daido Moriyama
The world through my eyes
Daido Moriyama
Thomas Hoepker
DDR - Ansichten
Jeff Wall
Space and Vision
Corinne Day
Edward Burtynsky
Residual Landscapes
Klaus Honnef
Und sie haben Deutschland verlassen müssen
Fotografen und ihre Bilder 1928-1997
Martina Sauter
57 Photographs
Thomas Weski
click doubleclick
Das dokumentarische Moment
Mizutani Kanji
1993 - 2003
Hans-Michael Koetzle (Ed.)
Eyes On Paris. Paris im Fotobuch 1890 - 2010
Jens Brüggemann
Erotic moments
Albert Renger-Patzsch
Die Welt der Pflanze
Photographien von Albert Renger-Patzsch aus dem Auriga Verlag
Mochizuki Masao
Television 1975 - 76
Raghubir Singh
Jan Ketz (Hrsg.)
L. Fritz Gruber zum 95.
Yutaka Takanashi
Photography 1965-1974
Andreas Grusky
Masafumi Sanai
Gregory Crewdson
In a Lonely Place
Gabor Ösz
The Liquid Horizon / Der fließende Horizont
Larry J. Schaaf
The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot
Richard Prince
Katja Stuke
Could be / Könnte sein
Ted Partin
Eyes Look Through You
Jean Baptiste Mondino
Déjà vu - Photographien
Andreas Gursky
Andreas Gursky
A Picture for Home
James Innes-Smith
Bad Hair
Jane Livingston
The New York School
Photographs 1936-1963
Jeff Wall
Jeff Wall: Selected Essays and Interviews
Günter Blum
Dominic Davies
To Cage
Jens Olof Lasthein
Moments in between
Lawrence Weiner
How to touch what
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Jean-Paul Curnier
Le Froid, le gel, l'image MERISOTAKOULU
Sur des photographies de Charles Fréger