random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Robert Frank
One Hour
HC 10,5 x 15,5 cm.
Steidl 2007
Reprint of a 1992 script book of the one hour film by Robert Frank.
random picks
2 kilo of KesselsKramer
Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
Susan Sontag
Das Leiden anderer betrachten
Juergen Teller
Ich bin vierzig
Anthony Goicolea
Anthony Goicolea
Mike Slack
Claudio Moser
Walk On
Isamu Morisawa
Karuizawa - Jidai
Morisawa Photo Shop 1947 - 1960
Barbara Hartmann
Unsere Sicht - zwölf Frauen aus Srebrenica
Vincent Zedelius
Unfortunate Coordinates
Nicholas Hlobo
Nicholas Hlobo
Kwatsityw ' Iziko
Richard Paul Lohse. Konstruktive Gebrauchsgrafik
Cornelia Kemp
Das zweite Gesicht - The other face
Metamorphosen des fotografischen Porträts - Metamorphoses of the Photographic Portrait
Helen Levitt
Slide Show
Robert Hickman Adams
White Churches of the Plains
Examples from Colorado
Allan Sekula
Fish Story
Ed Templeton
Drinking the Kool-Aid
Daido Moriyama
Shinjuku Plus
Daido Moriyama
Duane Michals
Chance Meeting
Greg Girard
Phantom Shanghai
Michael von Graffenried
Josef Koudelka
Mission Photographique Transmanche
Arnold Odermatt
On Duty
Péter Nadas
Schöne Geschichte der Fotografie
Saul Leiter
Early Color
Maria Sewcz
Point Out
Michael Schmidt
David T. Hanson
Waste Land. Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #4 from 6 folders
Tina Barney
Fotografien. Von Familie, Sitte und Form
Danny Lyon
The Bikeriders
Marco Pesaresi
Stefanie Grebe (Ed.)
Wirklich Wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien
Richard Avedon
Werner von Mutzenbecher
Im Film Sein
Hans van der Meer
European Fields
Peter Galassi
Walker Evans & Company
Claudia Angelmaier
Color and Gray
Bernhard Wicki
Joel Smith
Edward Steichen. The Early Years
Hans van der Meer
schapen tellen
Fred Ritchin
In Our Own Image
The Coming Revolution in Photography
Hajime Sawatari
Hysteric Ten
Deborah Turbeville
Studio St. Petersburg