random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
David Hockney
Geheimes Wissen. Verlorene Techniken der Alten Meister
HC, 24,5 x 31 cm., 296 pp.
Knesebeck 2001
random picks
Christian Gieraths
Purple Fashion
No. 2 Fall / Winter 2004/05
Thomas Manneke
Liege. 01'04 2010 - 30'06 2010
Abelardo Morell
a book of books
Michael Ackerman
End Time City
War is Only Half The Story
The Aftermath Project: Volume 1
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Das kleine Mövenbuch
The little seagull book
Shinichiro Kobayashi
The Beautiful Ruin
Johan Lundberg
Another Day Of Life in Romanipen
Stephen Shore
Fotografien 1973-1993
Peter Bialobrzeski
The Raw and the Cooked
Andrea Stultiens
Kerkdorp / Polderdorp
Sint Odilienberg / Kreileroord
Andri Pol
Where is Japan
Nils Petter Löfstedt
Masato Seto
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #3
Cees Nooteboom
Die Kunst des Reisens
Fotografien von Eddy Posthuma de Boer
Reiner Riedler
Fake Holidays
Introduction Bill Kouwenhoven
Jörg Koopmann
Born in Brennen
Larry Sultan
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Dirk Fischer
New York . Beiläufige Ansichten einer Stadt
Fotografien 1990 - 2001
Peter Clarke
Boris Mikhailov
Unfinished Dissertation
Daido Moriyama
Roni Horn
Dictionary of Water
Peter Piller
Archiv Peter Piller
Absage an die Wirklichkeit
Subjektive Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie
David T. Hanson
Waste Land. Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape
Corinna Schnitt
DG Bank Kunststipendium 2000/2001
Jens Liebchen
DL 07 stereotypes of war. A photographic investigation
Albrecht Tübke
Trine Sondergaard
Monochrome Portrats
Lee Friedlander
Cray at Chippewa Falls
James Welling
Photographs 1974-1999
William Eggleston
Stranded in Canton
Harvey Benge
Killing time in paradise
Hans-Michael Koetzle (Ed.)
Eyes On Paris. Paris im Fotobuch 1890 - 2010
Dörte Eißfeldt
Schneeball - Fotoarbeiten
Heinrich Riebesehl
Fotografische Serien 1963-2001
Claudia Angelmaier
Color and Gray
Pieter Hugo
Nollywood - Special Edition with Print!
Marshall McLuhan
Das Medium ist die Botschaft -the medium is the message
Fischli & Weiss
Musée d'art moderne Paris
Alex Farquharson
The Magic Hour . The Convergence of Art and Las Vegas
Joseph Mills
Inner City
Liselotte Strelow
Retrospektive 1908 - 1981
Max Baur. Fotografien 1925-1960. Im Geist des Bauhaus.