random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Izima Kaoru
2000 - 2001
SC 24 x 19 cm o.pp.
fa projects 2002
random picks
Walker Evans
Nic Nicosia
Alexander Basile
Wish you were here
Susan Kismaric
Fashioning fiction in photography since 1990
Werner Mantz
Architekturphotographie in Köln 1926-1932 aus der Graphischen Smlg. des Museums Ludwig der Stadt Köln
Robert Heinecken
Thomas Weski
Photography, Made in Zürich
Fritz Sarasin
Portraits kanak, paroles kanak
Peter Bialobrzeski
The Raw and the Cooked
Das Gesicht der Welt
Grosse Augenblicke des Fotojournalismus
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1984-1993
Hrsg. v. Zdenek Felix
Die Chinesen . Fotografie und Video aus China
Florian Böhm
End Commercial
Roe Ethridge
Le Luxe
Mochizuki Masao
Television 1975 - 76
Gerry Johansson
Amerikabilder 1962-93
Nobuyoshi Araki
Tokyo still life
Robert Adams
I Hear The Leaves and Love the Light
Sally in the Back Yard
Oleg Klimov
Russland. Erbe eines Vergangenen Imperiums
Joan Fontcuberta
Miracles et Cie
Antoine D' Agata
Lee Friedlander
The Jazz People from New Orleans
Andy Warhol
Shadows and other signs of life. Anniversary notes for Andy Warhol
Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands
Joan Fontcuberta
Deconstructing Osama
The truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi
Michael Schade
counting waves
Martin Parr
A8. JMP Journal No.1
Ivar Brynjolfsson
Specimina Commercii
Hiro Matsuoka
Scenes and Stories
Elger Esser
Veduten und Landschaften
I AMsterdam
Cindy Sherman
A Play Of Selves
Charlie Crane
Welcome to Pyongyang
Craigie Horsfield
La ciutat de la gent
The city of the people
Nobuyoshi Araki
Peter Bialobrzeski
Walker Evans
Of Time and Place
by Thomas W. Southall
Rob Hornstra
Sochi Singers
Maria Morris Hambourg
Walker Evans
Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2006
Rem Koolhaas
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
Edward Weston
Life Work
Bernhard Fuchs
Strassen und Wege
Andrew Phelps
Nature De Luxe
Daido Moriyama
Record #10
Kiroku #10
Evelyn Richter
Stillgehaltene Zeit
Martin Liebscher
Paul Graham
New Europe
Der fotografierte Mensch in Bildern der Fotografischen Sammlung im Museum Folkwang
Sylvie Fleury
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien von 1984 bis heute