random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Gilles Mora, John T. Hill
William Eugene Smith. The Camera as Conscience
HC, 25 x 31 cm., 352 pp.
Thames & Hudson 1998
Essays by Gabriel Bauret, John T. Hill, Gilles Mora, Serge Tisseron and Alan Trachtenberg.
random picks
Richardson A3
Teresa Hubbard
House with Pool
Deanna Templeton
Your logo here. Photographs from Southern California, 2004-2006
Wolfgang Tillmans
If one thing matters, everything matters
Special Edition
Ed Ruscha
Edward Burtynsky
Manufactured Landscapes
Dennis Adams
Stephen Gill
Anonymous Origami
Manfred Willmann
Das Land. 1981-1993
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Stephanie Sabatier
New York September 11 von MAGNUM Fotografen (dt.)
Koji Onaka
Tokyo Candy Box
Eikoh Hosoe
Theatre of Memory
JH Engström
Sketch Of Home
Kyoichi Tsuzuki
Roadside Japan
Ilya Ehrenburg
My Paris
Text and Photographs
Masato Seto
NU 01
Kyungwoo Chun
Photographs, Video performances
Jacob Aue Sobol
Michael Schade
counting waves
Bruce Weber
A House is not a Home
Martha Cooper
Street Play
Richard Prince
Photographs - Paintings
Das Gesicht der Welt
Grosse Augenblicke des Fotojournalismus
Zärtliche Betrachtungen schöner Damen. Photographien aus der Sammlung Gruber
Nazar. Photographs from the Arab World
Noorderlicht 2004
William Eggleston
The Hasselblad Award
Chris Coekin
The Hitcher
Tomoki Imai
Tomoki Imai: Lithuania, Belgium
In - between 10
Harvey Benge
Against forgetting
Gerhard Richter
Werkverzeichnis 1993 - 2004
Andrea Diefenbach
Aids in Odessa
Yukichi Watabe
A Criminal Investigation
Isamu Morisawa
Karuizawa - Jidai
Morisawa Photo Shop 1947 - 1960
Richard Billingham
Ray's a laugh
Robert Frank
Du - part two - Robert Frank
Carl De Keyzer
Helen Levitt
Here and There
Photographie Bauhaus 1919-1933
Publié par le Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin
Lukas Roth
"Episode One"
Sigrid Schneider
Schwarzweiss und Farbe
Das Ruhrgebiet in der Photographie
Lee Friedlander
Afterword by Ingrid Sischy
Mark Steenerson
The Cement War
Every Day is a struggle to believe
René Burri
One World. Fotografien und Collagen 1950-1983
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Private Crossing
Christian Schwager
Willem Boshoff
Willem Boshoff
Ivan Zulueta
Mientras tanto ...