random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Robin Muir
John Deakin. London - Paris - Rom. Straßenfotografie
Mit Fotografien von John Deakin
HC, 25 x 31 cm., 206 pp.
Steidl 2002
random picks
Marie-Jo Lafontaine
Babylon Babies
Robert Polidori
Zones of Exclusion. Pripyat and Chernobyl
Alex Majoli
Leros. You survived
Michael Schade
counting waves
Bill Burke
Fire + Iron
Ryan McGinley
Anna Clarén
Frederic Lezmi
Poor Politicians #2
28 destroyed posters of Albanian politicians in the streets of Prishtina
Hans Hansen
Sally Mann
Proud flesh
Stuart O´Sullivan
How beautiful this Place can be
Eusebius Wirdeier
Die Wunderkammer der Agnes Bosen. Eine Inventur
Metamorphoses De L´Electricite
Jozo Palkovits
Lost Pictures
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #3 from 6 folders
Dennis Hopper
1712 North Crescent Heights
Photographs 1962-1968
Virginia Beahan
No Ordinary Land
Encounters in a changing environment
Gabriele Spindler
Gegenüber. Menschenbilder in der Gegenwartsfotografie
Horst Haman
One Night on Broadway
Hans van der Meer
Spielfeld Europa. Landschaften der Fußball-Amateure
Melanie Manchot
Love is a stranger. Photographs 1998-2001
Francoise Huguier
J'avais huit ans
Johann van der Keuken
Abenteuer eines Auges. Filme. Fotos. Texte
Erwin Blumenfeld
Amsterdam Paris New York
Nick Waplington
Truth or Consequences
A Personal History of American Photography from the Last Century
Jeff Wall
Space and Vision
Andreas Gursky
Harald Hauswald
Leben vor dem Mauerfall Life before the wall fell
Gillian Fuller
A book about airports
David Maisel
The Lake Project
Urs Stahel (Ed.)
Reale Fantasien. Neue Fotografie aus der Schweiz
Seino Yoshiko
The Sign of Life
Harvey Benge
Sport 33 Spring 2005
Frank Darius
Willkommen im Garten / Welcome to the garden
Graciela Iturbide
Ed Ruscha
They Called her Styrene
Harvey Benge
Text Book
Mies van der Rohe in America