random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ohio # 11
Photos von Burkhard Brunn (Hochsitze)
SC, 27.5 x 21 cm., o.pp.
Ohio 2003
Dr. Burkhard Brunn auf der Pirsch: und was findet er in den deutschen Wäldern: Hochsitze.
random picks
David Hockney
Richard Misrach
Desert - Cantos del desierto 1979 - 1999
Martin Fengel
Mobil 100
Geert van Keesteren
Baghdad Calling
Andrea Modica
Human Being
Evzen Sobek
Life in Blue
Arno Schmidt
Vier mal vier. Fotografien aus Bargfeld
Mahmoud Dabdoub
Alltag in der DDR
Michael Danner
Luc Chessex
Around the World
Axel Hütte
William Klein
James Agee
Let us praise famous men
Lars Tunbjörk
Lee Friedlander
The Jazz People from New Orleans
Jonathan Green
American Photography
A Critical History 1945 to the Present
Theresa Hubbard
No Room to Answer
Patrick Faigenbaum
Serge Clément
fragant light
Wolfgang Tillmans
If one thing matters, everything matters
Bernhard Fuchs
Strassen und Wege
Michael Ruetz
Eye On Time
Magnum Stories
Kalev Erickson (Ed.)
More cooning with cooners
Tom Wood
Lyle Rexer
Photography's antiquarian avant-garde
The new wave in pld processes
Beate Kemfert (Ed.)
Road Atlas. Straßenfotografie von Helen Levitt bis Pieter Hugo.
Lee Friedlander
At work
Global > Detail. Noorderlicht X
Steve Pyke
Post Partum
One picture book # 32
IN-EX Projects
Customize. Review of Peripheral Architecture
Martin Roemers
Relics of the Cold War
Empty Bottles
Uschi Huber
Tadao Ando
Architektur der Stille
Architecture of Silence
Visions from America. Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art 1940-2001
Richard Avedon
In The American West
Sven Nieder
Santiago. Eine Pilgerreise in Bildern der Camera Obscura
William Eggleston
5 x 7
Helen Levitt
Ken Schles
A New History of Photography - WHITE PRESS #1
The world outside and the pictures in our heads
Katherine A. Bussard (Essay)
Sreet Art Street Life. From the 1950s to now
Harvey Benge
Against forgetting
Boris Mikhailov
Verbal Photography
Jem Southam
Rockfalls Rivermouths