random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Paul Reas, Stuart Cosgrove
I Can Help
SC 27 x 21 cm.
Cornerhouse 1988
random picks
Michael Witte
Stand by
Monica Studer
Being a Guest
Sarah Greenough
Alfred Stieglitz: The Key Set
1896 - 1922 / 1922 - 1937
Diane Arbus
Diane Arbus: The Libraries
Beautiful Frames
With Essays by Michael Mack
Katharina Bosse
New Burlesque
John G. Morris
Get the picture
A Personal History of Photojournalism
Bill Jacobson
A series of human decisions
Jacqueline Hassink
The Power Book
Walter Boje
Liza Nguyen
My Father. A tribute to my father (1947 - 2001)
Elisabeth Hase
European Photography Nr. 71
Spring / Summer 2002
Willie Doherty
Extracts from a File
Edward Grazda
Afghanistan Diary: 1992-2000
Martin Parr
Parrjektiv. Istanbul´da Stil Pesinde
Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth 1977 - 2002
Image / Images. Positionen zur zeitgenössischen Fotografie
Avedon Richard
Woman in the Mirror
Haraldur Jonsson
TSOYL - The story of your life
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture - Special Edition
Sven Nieder
Santiago. Eine Pilgerreise in Bildern der Camera Obscura
Martin Parr
Stern Portfolio No 36: Martin Parr
Henrik Spohler
0 /1 Dataflow
Andreas Mader
Die Tage Das Leben
Armin Linke
Monika Faber
Anton Josef Trcka. 1893-1940
Alexandr Hackenschmied
Robert Frank
Hold Still - Keep Going
Cindy Sherman
History Portraits
Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis
Reinhold Mißelbeck
Köln lebt
Fotografien von Hugo und Karl Hugo Schmölz 1926 bis 1969
Erik Kessels
Rob Hornstra
101 Billionaires - Crisis Edition!
Peter Lindbergh
Untitled 116
Narita Inspected
Japan Graphic Design Compiler
Gilles Mora
William Eugene Smith. The Camera as Conscience 2007 + 08
Deutsche Fotografie. Macht eines Mediums 1870-1970
Gerard Petrus Fieret
On Kawara
Date paintings in 89 cities
Tracy Moffatt
Ken Schles
A New History of Photography - WHITE PRESS #1
The world outside and the pictures in our heads
Joan Fontcuberta
Landscapes without memory
Masafumi Sanai
Erich Hartmann
Where I was
Igor Chepikov
Almut Klingbeil
Die Bilder wechseln
Meereslandschaften in deutschen Fotobüchern der 20er bis 40er Jahre
Bauhaus Weimar. Entwürfe für die Zukunft
Sophie Calle
Double Game
Daido Moriyama
Record #10
Kiroku #10
Tadao Ando
Architektur der Stille
Architecture of Silence
Anthony Hernandez
Pictures of Rome