random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
August Sander
Köln wie es war
August Sander Werkausgabe
HC 22 x 29 cm., 550 S.
August Sander Archiv/Kölnisches Stadtmuseum 1995
random picks
Andrés Marroquin Winkelmann
Conditions - Special Edition - Auf Anfrage!
Anthony Hernandez
Waiting for Los Angeles
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Horacio Fernandez (Ed.)
The Latin American Photobook - just arrived!
Grant Van Aarssen
Face Moroccans
Bill Brandt
Brandt Icons
Martin Rosswog
Inside Houses
Rural Homes in Europe - Ländliches Wohnen in Europa - Maisons rustiques en Europe
Thomas Zika
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
A Storybook Life
Martin Parr
Witness #3
Michael Sondern
Sinnliche Enthüllungen
Hugo Loetscher
Durchs Bild zur Welt gekommen. Reportagen und Aufsätze zur Fotografie
Stefan Roemer
Künstlerische Strategien des Fake
Kritik von Original und Fälschung
Todd Hido
Between The Two
Frits Gierstberg
FreEye Magazine #1
Dutch Magazine for Exceptional Photography
Oliver Sieber
Die Blinden
Erich Mendelsohn
Livre d'images d'un architecte
Ulrike Brückner
Space For (would you like to comment?)
James Welling
Photographs 1974-1999
3D-> 2D The Designers In and Out of Architecture
Stuart O´Sullivan
How beautiful this Place can be
Lutz Essers
DesignGuide Köln / Cologne
150 jahre Fotografie
Andreas Trogisch
photo folder #5 from 6 folders
Ricardo Daza
Auf der Suche nach Mies
Daido Moriyama
Rick Poynor
Stephen Gill
Archaeology in Reverse
Special Ed.
Walker Evans
Walker Evans : Lyric Documentary
Selections from the FSA Works
Huger Foote
It´s Always The Day After
Magnum Photos, 60 years
by Julien Frydman
Stephen Gill
Unseen UK
Andreas Gursky
Andreas Gursky
Haus der Kunst
Joachim Schmid
Very Miscellaneous
Country Life. The Village Hall Exhibitions
Andreas Gefeller
The Japan Series
Gudrun Kemsa
Urban stage
Emilio Bertonati
Das experimentelle Photo in Deutschland 1918-1940
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Jugendfotopreis 2002
Paul Reas
I Can Help
Anouk Kruithof
Het zwarte gat / The black hole
Lynne Cohen
Don Kirby
Essays by Richard Manning & Jay Dusard
Albrecht Fuchs
Portraits. 30 Postkarten
David Farrell
Innocent Landscapes
William Eggleston
Elvis at Graceland