Joachim Schmid
Photoworks 1982 - 2007
HC 22 x 27 cm.
Steidl 2007
Nach vielen Künstlerbüchern hier das von Steidl opulent produzierte Gesamtwerk. Es gibt viel zu entdecken!
Joachim Schmid began his career in the early 1980s as a freelance critic and the publisher of Fotokritik, an iconoclastic and original contribution to West German photography. In the pages of Fotokritik and in his regular articles and lectures for other venues, Schmid argued articulately and at times vehemently against prevailing, predominantly conservative notions of "art photography" and in favour of a broad, encompassing critique of photography as a form of cultural practice. After ceasing publication of Fotokritik in 1987, Schmid focused on his own art production, based primarily on found photography and public image sources. Living near one of the largest flea markets in Berlin, he had already amassed a rich, deep, and varied collection of vernacular photography which formed the raw material for many of the works included in this publication.
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