random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Raghubir Singh
A Way into India
HC, 28 x 19,5 cm., 124 pp.
Phaidon 2002
random picks
Emilio Salinquet
The Skin I lived
Larry Clark
John Hinde
Daniel Giesen
Fast Daheim
Arabella Schwarzkopf
City Lives
New York Vienna Bologna Paris Berlin Tokyo Istanbul
Rolf Koeppel
Alwin Tölle
Schwarzwald /Schwarzweiss
Maria Morris Hambourg
Eartly Bodies. Irving Penn`s Nudes, 1949-1950
Bill Henson
Erik Van der Weijde
John Baldessari
Yours in Food, John Baldessari
Gerhard Richter
War Cut
Christer Strömholm
Les Amies de Place Blanche - Sonderpreis bis zum 28.02.2012 !!
Column Architecture Fashion
Lee Friedlander
The American Monument
Ulrike Myrzik
Die Hecke / The Hedge
Michael Ackerman
End Time City
Georgia Daskalakis
Stalking Detroit
Diane Arbus
Tobias Zielony
The Cast
Ivan Vartanian
Setting Sun
Writings by Japanese Photographers
Nicolai Howalt
78 boxers
Ed Jones (Ed.)
Nein, Onkel. Snapshots from another Front 1938-1945
Rolf H. Krauss
Kunst mit Photographie. Die Sammlung Dr. Rolf H. Krauss
Helmut Newton
Archives de nuit
Japanese Edition
Daniel Arasse
Anselm Kiefer
Arnold Odermatt
Meine Welt. Photographien/ Photographs 1939-1993
Reiner Riedler
Fake Holidays
Introduction Bill Kouwenhoven
Love & Peace. The Agenda 2003 - Magnum Photographers
A city seen. Photographs from the Gund Foundation Collection
Tucker Shaw
everything I ate
a year in the life of my mouth
Visions from America. Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art 1940-2001
Katharina Bosse
Ten Out of Ten
Niels Stomps
83 Days of Darkness
Erwin Blumenfeld
Erwin Blumenfeld: His Dutch Years
Reiner Riedler
Ukraine. Fotografien
Marco Lachi
Cape Town - South Africa
Chu Ha Chung
The West Sea
Klaus Wohlmann
Douglas Nickel
Snapshots. The Photography of Everyday Life. 1888 to the Present
Thomas Manneke
Vilnius. 22'08 2004 - 15'12 2004