random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Matthew Sleeth
Tour Of Duty. Winning hearts and minds in East Timor
SC, 24 x 28 cm., o.pp.
M.33 / Hardie Grant 2002
random picks
Daido Moriyama
Record #7
Kiroku #7
Gabriele Spindler
Gegenüber. Menschenbilder in der Gegenwartsfotografie
Alexandre Rodschenko
la femme enjeu
Lee Friedlander
American Musicians
Walker Evans
Walker Evans : Lyric Documentary
Selections from the FSA Works
RE Mined #4
Pieter Hugo
The Hyena & Other Men
Vaclav Chochola
Kabinety vzpominek
Cabinets of Reminiscences
William Eggleston
It came from memphis
Thomas Struth
Museum Photographs
Jewgeni Chaldej
Von Moskau nach Berlin
Thorsten Hattenkerl
Dennis Hopper
A Keen Eye. Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker
Paul Albert Leitner
Cities, Episodes. Photographs
Cuny Janssen
Charlotte Cotton
The Photograph as Contemporary Art
Fred Ritchin
In Our Own Image
The Coming Revolution in Photography
Larry Fink
Larry Fink
Andreas Gursky
Ed Ruscha
Seven Products, Twentyfive Apartements, Three Palm Trees, Six Rooftops and One Aerial View
Harry Callahan
Text by A. D. Coleman
Ara Güler
Ara Güler's Istanbul
40 Years of Photographs
Architektur der Obdachlosigkeit
Achim Lippoth
Steve McCurry
Sanctuary. The Temples of Angkor
Gillian Fuller
A book about airports
Fischli Weiss/
Findet mich das Glück
Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands
Michael Subotzky
Beaufort West
Erwin Olaf
K. Helmer-Petersen
122 Colour Photographs
Rob Hornstra
Safety First
Erik Niedling
Rick Smolan
Passage to Vietnam. Through the Eyes of Seventy Photographers
Wilhelm Schürmann
Pegel Köln
Michael Schmidt
Berlin - Wedding
172 Fotografie #2 Das Ende der Fotografie
Guy Davenport
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Petra Wittmar
Medebach. Photographien / Photographs 1979 - 1983
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Preface by Andy Grundberg
Isabel Munoz
Choreographie des Begehrens
? Moschino
Helmut Newton
Big Nudes
Jeff Wall
Space and Vision
Manfred Willmann
Die Sieger. Arbeiten 1971-1989
Klaus Wohlmann
Harvey Benge
You Are Here
Katharina Bosse
Jerry N. Uelsmann
Museum Studies
Gabriele & Helmut Nothhelfer
Momente und Jahre
Martin Parr
Quel Monde!
Stefan Roemer
Künstlerische Strategien des Fake
Kritik von Original und Fälschung