random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Rick Smolan, Jennifer Erwitt
Passage to Vietnam. Through the Eyes of Seventy Photographers
Mit Fotografien von u.a. Mary Ellen Mark, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Elliot Erwitt.
HC, 27 x 31 cm., 224 pp.
Against All Odds Productions 1994
random picks
Eric Tabuchi
Hyper Trophy
Josef Koudelka
Mission Photographique Transmanche
Katherine A. Bussard (Essay)
Sreet Art Street Life. From the 1950s to now
Jules Spinatsch
Temporary Discomfort. Chapter I - V
A Picture for Home
Anders Petersen
"Ich Dich lieben, Du mich auch?"
Source #28
Autumn 2001
Terry Richardson
Son of Bob
Lee Friedlander
Cray at Chippewa Falls
Li Zhensheng
Roter Nachrichtensoldat
Ein chinesischer Fotograf in den Wirren der Kulturrevolution
Oliver Sieber
Imaginary club
Eikoh Hosoe
Deadly Ashes
Pompeii Auschwitz Trinity Site Hiroshima
Marrigje de Maar
Red Roses Yellow Rain
Eusebius Wirdeier
Noh un Noh
Maximilian Rossner
Two and two makes five
Robert Adams
Beauty in Photography
Essays in defense of Traditional Values
Annie Leibovitz
A Photographer`s Life
1990 - 2005
Sven Nieder
Santiago. Eine Pilgerreise in Bildern der Camera Obscura
Isamu Morisawa
Karuizawa - Jidai
Morisawa Photo Shop 1947 - 1960
Verena Winkelmann
Nicholas Kahn
The Apollo Prophecies
Fotografie nach der Fotografie
Hrsg. v. Hubertus v. Amelunxen, Stefan Iglhaut und Florian Rötzer
Sibylle Bergemann
Die Polaroids / The Polaroids
Christian Bouqueret
Les femmes photographes de la nouvelle vision en France 1920-1940
Susanne Lange
Gegenwart als Zwischenraum
Rotterdam Cologne Connection
RCC #3
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression
Toni Rubio
12" Sleeves. Disco Graphics
Martin Bogren
Chris Townsend
Fransesca Woodman
Steve Lehman
The Tibetians
A Struggle to Survive
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
The family album of Lucibelle Crater and other figurative photographs
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #53
Cy Twombly
Gudrun Kemsa
Moving Images
Karoly Kincses
Photographes. Made in Hungary
Rinko Kawauchi
Philippe Durand
Albrecht Tübke
Pieter Wisse
I Believe in 88
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Gesamtwerk / Complete works
Claude Nori
An Italian Summer
Olivo Barbieri
The Waterfall Project
Chu Ha Chung
The West Sea
Robert Lebeck
Vorwort von Hans-Michael Koetzle
Frank Horvat
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman
John Gossage
The Auckland Project - Coming soon!
Country Life in the Urban Age
Anja Müller
...aller Liebe Anfang
Michael von Graffenried
Eye on Africa - Fotografien aus Kamerun
Eye on Africa - Photographie du Cameroun
Hans van der Meer
schapen tellen