random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
HC 31 x 22 cm 130pp.
Suiseisha Editions 2002
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random picks
Kent Klich
Children of Ceauscescu
Thomas Weski
click doubleclick
Das dokumentarische Moment
Richard Misrach
Bravo 20. The Bombing of the American West
Meschac Gaba
& other recent projects
Masato Seto
Walker Evans
Message from the Interior
Peter Keetmann
Volkswagenwerk 1953
Geoffroy de Boismenu
Geoffroy de Boismenu: Libenter
Peter Granser
Katy Grannan
Model American
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Lisette Model
Fotografien 1934-1960
Jussi Puikkonen
On Vacation
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Landschaften und Städte
Texte von Erik Orsenna und Gérard Macé
Geert van Kesteren
Why Mister, Why?. Iraq 2003-2004
Peter Lindbergh
Images of Women
Robert Frank
Me And My Brother
Andreas Schmidt
The City
Mika Ninagawa
Liquid Dreams
Didier Ben Loulou
Eusebius Wirdeier
Viel passiert. Das Buch zum BAP-Film
Tom Wood
Not only female...
Graciela Iturbide
The Hasselblad award 2008
Abelardo Morell
a book of books
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Phlip-Lorca diCorcia
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Vincenzo Castella
Photo Works
Jens Liebchen
Gottfried Jäger
Generative Arbeiten 1967-1996. Drei Projekte
Willem van de Pol
Willem van de Pol
Denis Brudna
Clemens Kalischer
Thorsten Scheid
Fotografie als Metapher
Zur Konzeption des Fotografischen im Film
John Ganis
American Landscapes
Nicolas Nixon
The Brown Sisters
Takashi Homma
In Our Nature
Martin Parr
Stern Portfolio No 36: Martin Parr
Walter Niedermayr
Civil Operations
Boris Mikhailov
Look at me I look at water
Achim Käflein
Antoine D´Agata
Mala Noche
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940
Joachim Brohm
Yusuke Hishida
One Day, under the Same Sun
Richter Verlag Düsseldorf
Robert Hickman Adams
White Churches of the Plains
Examples from Colorado
Ambroise Tézenas
Peking - théatre du peuple
Toni Schneiders
Fotografie und Form. Photography and Form
Daido Moriyama
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq