random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Amm & Mary Sutton
The American West. A Natural History
Mit Fotografien von Ansel Adams, Eliot Porter, Philip Hyde, Bill Ratcliffe, Joseph Muench, Don Worth, Bob Clemenz, Ruth Kirk
HC, 25,5 x 32 cm., 270 pp.
Random House o.J. (1968?)
random picks
Eurovisions. Cyprus / Estonia / Hungary / Latvia / Lithuania / Malta /Poland / Chzech Republic / Slovakia / Slovenia
Cy Twombly
Viviane Sassen
Dormir / sleep
Niels Stomps
83 Days of Darkness
Matthew Sleeth
Ten Series /
106 Photographs
Michael Witte
Stand by
Tomoki Imai
Tomoki Imai: Lithuania, Belgium
In - between 10
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
In Response to Place. Photographs from the Nature Conservancy's Last Great Places
Andreas Herzau
Josef Koudelka
Brian Griffin
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Mikhailov - A Retrospective / Eine Retrospktive
private Freuden / lastende Langeweile / öffentlicher Zerfall
Joel Meyerowitz
The Arch
Essays by Joel Meyerowitz and Vivian Bower
Chargesheimer persönlich
Richardson A3
Lewis Baltz
Rule without Exception
Sándor Kardos
Horus Archives
Martin Parr
Fashion Newspaper. Tokyo 2007
Shuhei Motoyama
Shuhei Motoyama: Luxembourg, The Netherlands
In - between 5
Richard Renaldi
Figure and Ground
Don Hunstein
New York
Introduction by Stephen Potter
Peter Beard
Fifty Years of Portraits
David Byrne
True Stories
Robert Lebeck
Neugierig auf Welt
Erinnerungen eines Fotoreporters
Martin Parr
Fashion Magazine
Nan Goldin
I'll be your mirror
Greg Girard
In the Near Distance
Mitch Epstein
Family Business
Andreas Grusky
Alexandr Hackenschmied
Shift! Lichtbildvortrag
Stephen Shore
Mose. A preliminary report
Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea, Rubiera
Jamel Shabazz
A Time Before Crack
Pieter Hugo
Messina / Musina
Allan Sekula
Ludwig Schirmer
zu Hause
Wout Berger
William Eggleston
Horses & Dogs
Ed Templeton
Totally Corporate
Josef Sudek. The Pigment Prints 1947-1954
Yuki Onodera
Camera Chimera
John Cohen
There is no eye - photographs
Bruce Gilden
Facing New York
Grosse Illusionen
Demand. Gursky. Ruscha
Stephan Vanfleteren
Country Life in the Urban Age
Ten Out of Ten
Ralf Peters
Plastische Fotografie
Bill Owens
Suburbia. New & improved
Claudio Moser
Walk On
Andrea Holzherr (Ed.)
The Helsinki School 4 A Female View