random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ed Templeton
The Prevailing Nothing
SC, 27,5 x 36 cm., o.pp.
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random picks
Elfriede Stegemeyer
Véronique Vial
Frauen vor 10 Uhr morgens
Vorowrt von Sean Penn
Robert Frank
Flower is
James Welling
Tony Worobiec
MONOCHROM und weitere Kunst-Printing-Techniken
032 C
Europe Endless
Jean Baudrillard
Photographies 1985-1998
Cary Markerink
Memory traces
Krass Clement
Paris. Carnet de recherche
Shinro Ohtake
UK 77
Susan Bright
Art Photography Now
Mirelle Thijsen
Het Bedrijfsfotoboek 1945-1965
Professionalisering van fotografen in Nederland
Tomoko Yoneda
Tomoko Yoneda: Hungary, Estonia
In - between 9
Luc Chessex
Around the World
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Dirk Fischer
New York . Beiläufige Ansichten einer Stadt
Fotografien 1990 - 2001
Steve McCurry
Sanctuary. The Temples of Angkor
Jäger Aren
1416 Anholt
Eva Leitolf
Deutsche Bilder - eine Spurensuche. 1992 - 2008
Nelli Palomäki
Elsa ja Viola - Elsa and Viola
Helen Levitt
Here and There
Frank Horvat
Very similar
Olivier Beer
Lucien Hervé
Takashi Homma
In - between #1: Denmark & Poland
JH Engström
From Back Home
Guy Tillim
Congo Democratic
Lecker - Porn for Girls
rude, nude, cute
Ellen Auerbach
Berlin Tel Aviv London New York
Robert Adams
Views of the Los Angeles Basin 1978-1983
Stefan Banz
The Muhammad Ali`s
Lewis Baltz
Rule without Exception
Jens Liebchen
DL 07 stereotypes of war. A photographic investigation
Hans Dickel
Künstlerbücher mit Fotografie seit 1960
IN-EX Projects
Customize. Review of Peripheral Architecture
Alberto Garcia - Alix
No me sigas ... estoy perdido
76 - 86
Lee Friedlander
New Mexico
Robert Heinecken
Jean Baptiste Mondino
Déjà vu - Photographien
Cindy Sherman
Zoltán Jokáy
Der, die, das
Andrew Miksys
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Thomas Hoepker
Photographien 1955 - 2005