random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Gillian Wearing
SC 24 x 30 cm 96 pp.
Fundación La Caixa 2001
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random picks
Martin Parr
The Photobook: A History. Volume II
Christian Lutz
Tropical Gift
Wim Wenders
Places, strange and quiet
Don McCullin
Acity in Crisis
Jonas Wettre
Flying Clipper Logbook
Christoph Bangert
Schweigendes Land
Nikolaus Schletterer
Orte Blicken Landschaft
Mary Panzer
things as they are
Photojournalism in Context since 1955
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Preface by Andy Grundberg
Yutaka Takanashi
Photography 1965-1974
African Photographers, 1940 to the Present
Sofa Sexy
Tom Wood
William Eggleston
Amin El-Dib
Eine Reise nach Ägypten 1997. Edition 365
Mathieu Keuter
Tall tales / Grote verhalen
Gabriele Spindler
Gegenüber. Menschenbilder in der Gegenwartsfotografie
Hans Bellmer
Joel Preston Smith
Night of a thousand stars and other portraits of Iraq
Martin Parr
Small World
Mémoire des camps
photographies des camps de concentration et d'extermination nazis (1933-1999)
Claudio Moser
dedicated to the warmest flugelhorn tone
Vittore Fossati
In riva ai fiumi vicino ai ponti
Bas Princen
Galleria Naturale. Line veloce Bologna-Milano / 7
Ed Jones
The Corinthians. A Kodachrome Slideshow
Péter Nadas
Schöne Geschichte der Fotografie
Josef Koudelka
Robert Frank
The Lines Of My Hand
Herlinde Koelbl
Das deutsche Wohnzimmer
Michael von Graffenried
Eye on Africa - Fotografien aus Kamerun
Eye on Africa - Photographie du Cameroun
Daido Moriyama
Buenos Aires
Erik Van der Weijde
Ivar Brynjolfsson
Specimina Commercii
Noorderlicht. Sense of Space
Curated by Wim Melis
Gerald Van Der Kaap
Passing The Information
Perspektive Dokumentarfotografie
Dokumentation des Symposiums am 28./29. September 2002 im Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
Jocelyn Bain Hogg
The Firm
Walter Peterhans
Fotografien 1927-38
Nina Poppe
AMA - Collector's Ed. with 2 prints
Mika Ninagawa
Acid Bloom
Garry Winogrand
Figments from the real world
Joakim Eskildsen
I Chicken Moon
Photographs from the Kinsey Institute