random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Stephen White, Andreas Blühm
The Photograph and the American Dream 1840-1940
HC, 22 x 30 cm., 222 pp.
Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam 2001
random picks
Timm Rautert
Schauraum. New York 1969-70
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places - Amerika. Das Gesamtwerk
Chihiro Minato
Chihiro Minato: France, Greece
In - between 2
Mary Panzer
things as they are
Photojournalism in Context since 1955
Yuichi Hibi
A Weekend with Mr. Frank
One Picture book # 35
Stephen Gill
A Series of Disappointments
Ed van der Elsken
Once upon a time
Ulla Kimmig
Iran. Stillstand oder Aufbruch
Avedon Richard
Woman in the Mirror
Shinichiro Kobayashi
The Beautiful Ruin
Florian Böhm
Wait For Walk
William Christenberry
William Christenberry
Bruce Davidson
Inside Outside
Frank Darius
Larry Clark
*Bibliografie / Bibliography
Bruce Gilden
After The Off. Short Story by Dermot Healy
Georgischer Frühling. Ein Magnum Tagebuch
Bas Princen
Laura Noble
The Art Of Collecting Photography
Marie Sommer
Tom Wood
Bus Odyssey
Lewis Baltz
Lewis Baltz
Tucker Shaw
everything I ate
a year in the life of my mouth
Osamu Kanemura
Osamu Kanemura: Germany, Finland
In - between 12
Max Regenberg
Come To Where
Lieko Shiga
Kim Bouvy
Phantom City
a photo novel
Frederick Sommer
The Art of Frederick Sommer
Photography, Drawing, Collage
Eugene Richards
Americans We
Masafumi Sanai
Ann-Sofi Sidén
In Between The Best Of Worlds
Mitch Epstein
Doug Aitken
Metall IC Sleep
Sébastien Girard
Nothing but home
Walid Raad
The Atlas Group (1989 - 2004)
A Project by Walid Raad
Hervé Chandès
Francesca Woodman
Texts by Philippe Sollers, David Levi Strauss, Elizabeth Janus, Sloan Rankin
Lauren Greenfield
Fast Forward
Susan Sontag
Das Leiden anderer betrachten
Ute Behrend
Mischa Keijser
Diary nr. 1
Matthias Hoch
Fotografien/ Photographs