random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Justin Winz
Your journey. Visual poetry.
SC, 19 x 25 cm., o.pp. Ltd. Ed. of 250 numb.
copies. Spec. Ed. on demand!
Winz 2011
Special Ed. 185,00
random picks
Simryn Gill
Standing Still
Wolfgang Zurborn
Au Centre de la Vitesse
Mission Photographique Transmanche Cahier 22
Christer Strömholm
Les Amies de Place Blanche - Sonderpreis bis zum 28.02.2012 !!
René Burri
One World. Fotografien und Collagen 1950-1983
Cuny Janssen
Donovan Wylie
British Watchtowers
Espen Krughaug
Tacita Dean
Made in Collaboration with Martyn Ridgewell
Michael Schmidt
Berlin Kreuzberg
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
Howard Greenberg
Czech Vision. Avant-Garde Photography in Czechoslovakia
Matthew Sleeth
Tour Of Duty. Winning hearts and minds in East Timor
De Nordzee
Ariadne Breton-Hourcq
Lisa Hostetler
Street Seen
The Psychological Gesture in American Photography, 1940 - 1959
Masafumi Sanai
Gerry Johansson
Amerika. Fotografier
Bernard Faucon
Bernard Faucon
John Harten
Public Folder
Launch Issue - Rave / Change
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Jan Koster
John Gossage
Berlin in the time of the Wall
An exhibition about a book and its photographs
Martin Parr
Love Cube
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Bergwerke und Hütten
Espen R. Krughaug
Before Dawn
Dieter Nagel
Public Nudists
John Gossage
The Romance Industry
Venezia / Marghera 1998
seduire/ seduce
Deutsche Fotografie. Macht eines Mediums 1870-1970
Ryan McGinley
Joan Fontcuberta
Deconstructing Osama
The truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi
Viviane Sassen
Walter Niedermayr
Reservate des Augenblicks / Momentary Resorts
Andreas Magdanz
BND - Standort Pullach
Daido Moriyama
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Was wir tun, ist letzlich Geschichten erzählen ...
Bernd und Hilla Becher, Einführung in Leben und Werk
Carl De Keyzer
Zona. Siberian Prison Camps
Sylvia Plachy
Red Light. Inside the sex industry
Matthew Sleeth
Tour of Duty
Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands
Daido Moriyama
Record #9
Kiroku #9
Zwischen Räume
Aaron Rose
Beautiful Losers
Contemporary Art and Street Culture
Chritian Gapp
Digitales Bild ? Bildung des Digitalen
Raymond Depardon
Marianne Brandt
Fotografien am Bauhaus