random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Anne de Mondenard
La Mission heliographique
Cinq photographes parcourent la France en 1851
HC 25x28,5 cm
Monum, Editions du patrimoine
random picks
Daan van Golden
The Pencil of Nature
Rosie Wolford
Shell Life
A celebration of the worlds quirkiest brands
Joel Sternfeld
Treading on Kings. Protesting the G8 in Genoa
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
80 Photographies de Moï Ver
Henry Wessel
Henry Wessel
Robert Venturi
Las Vegas Studio, Engl. Ausgabe
Judith Joy Ross
Living with War. Portraits
Fischli & Weiss
Sichtbare Welt
Helen Levitt
Fotografien 1937 - 1991
Ramuné Pigagaité
Menschen meiner Stadt-Mano miesto zmonés
John Pilson
Ikko Narahara
Number 31
Berenice Abbott
Changing New York
Pelle Kronestedt
Safe European
John Baldessari
Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange)
Michael Schindhelm
Das Kamel auf der Startbahn
Dominique Auerbacher
did you say il progresso?
Linea veloce Bologna - Milano /2
Cat Tuong Nguyen
Underdog Suite
Fotografien und Collagen 1996-2009
Birgitta Lund
In Transit
John Duncan
Trees from Germany
Karsten Kronas
Beyoglu Blue - Purple-Edition
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places. 50 unpublished photographs 1973-1978
Jim Dine
The Photographs so far
Margaret M. De Lange
Bruce Gilden
Facing New York
Inge Morath
New York
Masahisa Fukase
The Solitude of Ravens
Jeffrey Ladd
Errata books #1-4
Atget - Paris; Evans - American Photographs; Ristelhueber - Fait; Killip - In Flagrante
Tseng Kwong Chi
Ambiguous Ambassador
Terri Weifenbach
Hunter Green
Eric Carstensen
William Eggleston
Ancient and Modern
Richard Renaldi
Fall River Boys
European Eyes on Japan - Vol. 3
Japan Today
Lee Friedlander
The American Monument
Anne Wilkes Tucker
Brassai: The Eye of Paris
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Daido Moriyama
Rob Hornstra
Roots of the Rúntur
Peter Weiermair
Die Sammlung E.J.
Guy Tillim
Roma, Città di Mezzo
Hugo Erfurth
Fotografie zwischen Tradition und Moderne
Thomas Florschuetz
Gozo Yoshimasu
Gozo Yoshimasu: Ireland
In - between 11
Dennis Hopper
A System of Moments