random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Anja Müller
...aller Liebe Anfang
HC 23x23 cm o.S.
Konkursbuchverlag Claudia Gehrke 2004
random picks
Candida Höfer
Berlin Wilhelmstrasse 44
Matthew Barney
Cremaster 3
Detlef Orlopp
Detlef Orlopp
Duane Michals
The Theatre of Real Life 2001
Photo Stories in Duisburg
Harry Callahan
Text by A. D. Coleman
David Levi Strauss
Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Sylvie Fleury
August Sander
August Sander
In der Photographie gibt es keine ungeklärten Schatten
Paul Theroux
Orlando oder die Liebe zur Fotografie
Anonymes. L'Amerique sans nom : photographie et cinema
Arnold Odermatt
On Duty
Margaret M. De Lange
Surrounded by No One
Jeremy Aynsley
Grafik-Design in Deutschland 1890-1945
Kati Koivikko
Sonja Braas
You are here
Joan Fontcuberta
Landscapes without memory
Gabriele Basilico
Work Book
1969 / 2006
Positions. Attitudes. Actions
Social an political commitment in photography
Tacita Dean
Made in Collaboration with Martyn Ridgewell
René Burri
Blackout New York
Mark Steinmetz
South Central
Susan Meiselas
Carnival Strippers
Timm Kölln
The Peloton
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Ben Westwood
Robert Frank
Thank You
Joan Fontcuberta
032 C
Europe Endless
Wout Berger
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz
Photographien / Photographs
Melanie Manchot
Love is a stranger. Photographs 1998-2001
Olivier Beer
Lucien Hervé
Dennis Hopper
A Keen Eye. Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker
Matthew Sleeth
Eusebius Wirdeier
Kölsch? Heimatphotographie
Remy Comment
De la chute de graves sur une pente douce
Fotografie! - Das 19. Jahrhundert
Suda Issei
Number 40
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
The family album of Lucibelle Crater and other figurative photographs
Italien sehen und sterben
Photographien der Zeit des Risorgimento
Neil Drabble
Tree Tops Tall
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Private Crossing
Archeology of elegance. 1980-2000 / 20 Jahre Modefotografie
Keith Carter
Holding Venus
The Polaroid Book Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography
Bauhaus. Dessau Chicago New York
Martin Parr
Boring Postcards