random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
European Photography
No 75 spring/summer 2004
SC 24x30 cm 78 S.
random picks
Magnum Stories
Tim Davis
My Life In Politics
Geirmundur Klein
Barbara Dijkhuis
all american
Yukichi Watabe
A Criminal Investigation
Arthur Ollman
The Model Wife
Hiro Matsuoka
The Undescribed Dance
Hara Mikiko
Hysteric Thirteen
Sylvia Plachy
Red Light. Inside the sex industry
The City
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter
Boris Groys
Unter Verdacht. Eine Phänomenologie der Medien
Warzone. The Battlefield of Peacekeeping
Beirut. Srebrenica. Kigali. Fallujah. Kandahar.
Robert Häusser
Das photographische Werk 1940-2000
Theo Baart
Amsterdam Zuid
Uwe Fleckner
Die Schatzkammern der Mnemosyne
Ein Lesebuch mit Texten zur Gedächtnistheorie von Platon bis Derrida
Anya Janssen
Matthew Sleeth
Home + Away
Stefanie Grebe (Ed.)
Wirklich Wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien
Frank Thiel
A Berlin Decade. 1995 - 2005
Frederic Lezmi
Poor Politicians #2
28 destroyed posters of Albanian politicians in the streets of Prishtina
Sarah Greenough
Alfred Stieglitz: The Key Set
1896 - 1922 / 1922 - 1937
Stephen Shore
The Nature of Photographs
Ricardo Cases
The Frozen Wolf Hunt / La Caza del Lobo Congelado
Ulrike Myrzik
Die Hecke / The Hedge
Jack Webb
Fierce Tea
Ken Schles
A New History of Photography - WHITE PRESS #1
The world outside and the pictures in our heads
Jeffrey Silverthorne
Travel Plans
Marco Delogu
Chan Chao
Paul Graham
End of an Age
Claudia Angelmaier
L' image et l' objet
Lee Friedlander
Ed Panar
Golden Palms
Daido Moriyama
Memories of a Dog
Wolfgang Tillmans
For when I´m weak I´m strong
Daido Moriyama
Chihiro Minato
Chihiro Minato: France, Greece
In - between 2
Doug Aitken
Notes for New Religions. Notes for No Religions
Charles Fréger
2 Nelson
Fischli & Weiss
Musée d'art moderne Paris
Walker Evans
American Photographs - Errata book #2
Karin Elvarsóttir
mórar - naervidd
Andreas Herzau
Hans Bellmer
Fritz Sarasin
Portraits kanak, paroles kanak
Daniele Buetti
Daniele Buetti
Paul Hill
Dialogue and photography
Robert Frank
Essays über Robert Frank
Shigeichi Nagano
Distant Gaze
Stephen Gill
Anonymous Origami