random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Paul Graham
Beyond Caring
SC, 29 x 23,5 cm., o.pp., 32 ill.
Grey Editions 1986
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random picks
David Armstrong
The Silver Cord
Stanley Booth
Rhythm Oil. A Journey Through the Music of the American South
Koos Breukel
Miles Barth
Weegee`s World
Richard Misrach
Pictures of Paintings
Doug Aitken
New Ocean
The Singled Person
Willem van de Pol
Willem van de Pol
Herbert Molderings
Die Moderne der Fotografie
Kathy Ryan (Ed.)
The New York Times Photographien
Heidi Specker
Gordon McDonald
It's wrong to wish on Space Hardware
Corinne Day
René Burri
Blackout New York
Lena Granefeldt
Claudio Hils
The Making Of The Euro. Ein Historienmosaik
Douglas Nickel
Snapshots. The Photography of Everyday Life. 1888 to the Present
Das Porträt - Fotografie als Bühne
The portrait - Photography as stage
Tomoki Imai
Tomoki Imai: Lithuania, Belgium
In - between 10
Yukichi Watabe
A Criminal Investigation
Roman Buxbaum
Miroslav Tichy
Helmut Lederer
Helmut Lederer
Das fotografische Werk 1937-1981
Anthony Suau
Beyond the Fall
Verfall des Sowjetimperiums 1989-99
John Pilson
Ed Templeton
The Prevailing Nothing
Una Hunderi
Happy End of the World
Letizia Battaglia
Passion Justice Liberté
Zwischen Räume
Thomas Seelig
Im Rausch der Dinge
Vom Funktionalen Objekt zum Fetisch in Fotografien des 20. Jahrhunderts
Andreas H. Bitesnich
Danny Lyon
Naoya Hatakeyama
Slow Glass
Koji Onaka
Slow Boat
Ata Kando
Kalypso & Nausikaä
Foto´s naar Homerus' Odyssee
Robert Adams
Pine Valley
Michael Stevenson
Take your road and along
The advent of the modern black painter in Africa
Loretta Lux
Kerry Brougher
Jeff Wall
Michael Light
100 Sonnen
Abelardo Morell
a book of books
Raymond Depardon
Our Farm
Robert Lebeck
Neugierig auf Welt
Erinnerungen eines Fotoreporters