Photography"> random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography


Robert Frank
story lines
SC,29 x 24 cm., mattiertes Gummi.
Steidl 2005

"Robert Frank läßt wie immer tief in sein Herz blicken. Aber im Herz wartet nicht eine Bestandsaufnahme, sondern seine storys, seine innerste Geschichte." Benedikt Geulen

At last we can offer you Robert Frank latest book, published by steidl in a beautiful edition. We step again in to the old photos Frank took in Paris and Peru, cross the fifties. sixties, seventies, eighties, arrive in the nineties, to see his latest work, 'polaroid' and 'memory for the children 2001-2003".

"Allegory: A flamingo inside a bottle: Family. A cat on the edge of a bath: History. A woman in a field in South Carolina (was the sun coming up or going down?): Memory." Ian Penman


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