random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
William Klein
SC, 42,5 x 34 cm., 36 pp.
Contrasto 2008
random picks
Margit Rowell
The Russian Avant-Garde Book 1910-1934
Erich Mendelsohn
Livre d'images d'un architecte
Dorothea Lynch
Exploding into Life
Marc Räder
Anders Edström
Waiting some birds a bus a woman
spidernets places a crew
Masahisa Fukase
Memories of Father
Stephen Shore
A Road Trip Journal
Daido Moriyama
Witness #2
Alex Farquharson
The Magic Hour . The Convergence of Art and Las Vegas
Klaus Staeck
Frohe Zukunft
Fotografien aus dreißig Jahren
Ben Stiller
Looking at Los Angeles
Colin Westerbeck
Bystander: A History of Street Photography
with an Afterword on Street Photography Since the 1970s
Anthony Hernandez
Pictures of Rome
Matthew Barney
Cremaster 3
Helena van der Kraan
Helena van der Kraan
Erik Kessels
Bangkok beauties
Annelies Oberdanner
Wien - Buch 2. Wien 1995-2009
140 Fotografien
Michael von Graffenried
Eye on Africa - Fotografien aus Kamerun
Eye on Africa - Photographie du Cameroun
Hans W. Mende
Grenzarchiv West-Berlin 1978/1979
Erik Kessels
Tobias Zielony
Tobias Zielony
Nobuyoshi Araki
Early Work of Cindy Sherman
Robert Adams
A Portrait in Landscapes
Erik Niedling
Fotografien / Photographs
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
The family album of Lucibelle Crater and other figurative photographs
Larry J. Schaaf
The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot
Robert Polidori
Robert Adams
Beauty in Photography
Essays in defense of Traditional Values
James Innes-Smith
Bad Hair
Monica Studer
A walk, a ride, a lift
Kerstin Stremmel
Frank Gaudlitz
Warten auf Europa
Begegnungen an der Donau / Waiting for Europe
Zed Nelson
Gun Nation
Hilmar Pabel
Jahre unseres Lebens. Deutsche Schicksalsbilder
Daido Moriyama
Christian Boltanski
Marnix Goossens
regarding nature - natuur in Almere
Text by Hans Aarsman
Hans Eijkelboom
Portraits & Cameras. 1949 - 2009
Mary Panzer
things as they are
Photojournalism in Context since 1955
Melanie Manchot
Love is a stranger. Photographs 1998-2001
Gianni Berengo Gardin
Italians Italiener
Alixandra Fazzina
A Million Shillings. Escape from Somalia
Henry Wessel
California and the West / Odd Photos / Las Vegas
Real Estate Photographs / Night Walk
Rob Hornstra
Sochi Singers
Thomas Seelig
Im Rausch der Dinge
Vom Funktionalen Objekt zum Fetisch in Fotografien des 20. Jahrhunderts