random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Klaus Staeck
Frohe Zukunft
Fotografien aus dreißig Jahren
HC 24 x 31 cm, 184 pp.
Steidl 2004
random picks
Black Brown White
Fotografie aus Südafrika
Marc Solal
Doubles Vies
Lars Tunbjörk
Joachim Schmid
A meeting on holiday
Ed van der Elsken
Liebe in St. Germain des Prés
Robert Polidori
Zones of Exclusion. Pripyat and Chernobyl
Das Porträt - Fotografie als Bühne
The portrait - Photography as stage
Christian Boltanski
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Trent Parke
Dream / Life
John Gossage
Secrets of Real Estate
Olivier Cablat
A Typological Study on the Effects of Causality observed
on Individuals exposed to Physical Exercise of a Podiatrical Nature
Peter Dressler
Tie Break
Paul Kooiker
Daido Moriyama
Lettre á St. Loup
Stefania Gurdowa
Negatives are to be stored / Klsze przechowuje sie
Lewis Baltz
Park City
Boris Mikhailov
Salt Lake
Birney Imes
Juke Joint
Photographs by Birney Imes
Magali Nougarede
Toeing the Line
Ed Templeton
The Prevailing Nothing
Miguel Rio Branco
Essay by David Levi Strauss. Afterword by Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastiao Salgado
Raymond Depardon
La ferme du Garet
Contemporary Photography from the Far East
Asian Dub Photography
Peter Riedlinger
Hero City / Heldenstadt
Walker Evans
American Photographs - Errata book #2
Bernhard Fuchs
Portrait Fotografien
Mark Power
26 Different Endings
Inge Morath
New York
Ute Eskildsen
Ein Bilderbuch
Fotografische Sammlung im Museum Folkwang
Thomas Manneke
Liege. 01'04 2010 - 30'06 2010
Duane Michals
Quantum & Metafisica
Eugene Richards
Dorchester Days
Beautiful Frames
With Essays by Michael Mack
Elliot Erwitt
Personal Best, 50th Anniversary Ed. - COMING SOON!
Erica Overmeer
Struik in Perkje / Affiche
EU - Japan
In - between
Europe Today 2004 - 2005
Paul Andriesse
Foam: Mario Testino
Achim Riechers
Lothar Baumgarten
Bettina Rheims
More Trouble
Ariadne Breton-Hourcq
Lauri Eriksson
Suomi Pictures
Andrew Miksys
Ramuné Pigagaité
Menschen meiner Stadt-Mano miesto zmonés
Daniel Arasse
Anselm Kiefer
Luc Delahaye
Antoine D´Agata
Die Chinesen . Fotografie und Video aus China
New York September 11 by MAGNUM Photographers