Yun Lee
private / public
SC 21 x 30 cm. 2008
Im Jahr 2006 wurde Yun Lee die dritte Preisträgerin des Rheinischen Kunstpreises und wird nun mit einer Ausstellung und der vorliegenden Buchpublikation im Rheinischen LandesMuseum Bonn des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland präsentiert. Die fotografischen Arbeiten der in Tokio geborenen und in Seoul aufgewachsenen Künstlerin, die ihre künstlerische Ausbildung an der Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie absolvierte, zeigen einen Grad von Eigenständigkeit und Innovation, die Yun Lee mit sehr persönlichen Inhalten und Sichtweisen kombiniert.
The new photographic series "PRIVATE/PUBLIC" takes this comparatively stringent concept a step further to embrace a spectrum of possible relationships between the individual and the objects within the two spheres of life. Yet, these photographic views from the public sphere also preserve an approach which is both intimate and discreet, presenting details rather than panoramas. A subgroup in this series reveals a complex relationship and dialogue which includes not only the individual portrayed but also the artist and the observer of her images. Yun Lee requested a number of women, whom she wished to portray, to sit down opposite her with a book. This book, which they opened at the relevant page, should contain a picture chosen by them. The hands of the women on their books, i.e. their physical contact with the material medium of the reproduced images, conveys both a visual and tactile experience. These reproduced illustrations in the books are upside down from the perspective of Yun Lee's pictures because, although they are placed prominently in the centre of the picture, their theme is not that of each of the upside-down illustrations, but rather the physical perception of an image itself and the question of the perspective of our perception.