random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Joel Meyerowitz
St. Louis & St. Arch
SC, 26,5 x 24 cm., 112 pp.
Little, Brown and Co. 1980
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random picks
Wim Botha
Wim Botha
Standard Bank Young Artist for Visual Arts 2005
Peter Dressler
Business Class
Derek Henderson
The Terrible Boredom of Paradise
Martin Parr
Tutta Roma
Alex Kershaw
Robert Capa
Der Fotograf des Krieges
Lucien Hervé
Architektur der Wahrheit. Die Zisterzienserabtei Le Thoronet
Trine Sondergaard
Monochrome Portrats
Anne-Celine Jaeger
Image makers, image takers
The Essential Guide to Photography by Those in the Know
Pieter Hugo
Nollywood - Special Edition with Print!
Gerhard Kurtz
Haus, Weg, Baum
Daido Moriyama
Record #8
Kiroku #8
Mixed Farming
The Changing Agrarian Landscape
Peter Riedlinger
Hero City / Heldenstadt
David Lachapelle
Hotel Lachapelle
Robert Lebeck
Kiosk. Eine Geschichte der Fotografie. A History of Photojournalism
Miyako Ishiuchi
Club & Courts. Yokosuka Yokohama
Wolfgang Tillmans
Totale Sonnenfinsternis / Total Solar Eclipse
Fotografien und Zeichnungen/ Photographs and Drawings
Lewis Baltz
Park City
Frank Müller
Die Russen - Gedächtnisbilder
Michael Schmidt
Uschi Huber
Robin Maddock
God Forgotten Face
Christiane Stahl (Hrsg.)
Mikrofotografie - Schönheit jenseits des Sichtbaren
Michael Schmidt
Berlin - Wedding
André Wagner
Authentic Nature
shirana Shabazi
Goftare Nik
Ein Tag Deutschland / One day in Germany
Freitag, 7. Mai 2010
Useful Photography No. 001
Peter J. Mönnig
World Trade Center
Documentation of performances, installations and texts
Robert Adams
Why People Photograph
Hilmar Pabel
Jahre unseres Lebens. Deutsche Schicksalsbilder
Subjektive Fotografie. Bilder der 50er Jahre
Andreas Müller - Pohle
European Photography #54
Terence Riley
Mies in Berlin
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Die Berliner Jahre 1907-1938
Wolfgang Tillmans
Wolfgang Tillmans 3 Vol. Box
Tillmans, Tillmans Burg, and Truth Study Centre
The City
Philippe Durand
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam. Landscapes for the Homeless I
Bertrand Fleuret
Landmasses and Railways
Thomas Florschuetz
Doug Aitken
New Ocean
Nicolas Nixon
Terri Weifenbach
Some insects - One Picture Book #67
No. 467 / 500