random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Mouse on Mars
17x24 cm, 159 S. CD with exclusive sound piece
Die Gestalten, Berlin, 2004
Book-let zu Event und "Ausstellung" zum Electro-Pop-Phänomen Mouse on Mars in der Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.
random picks
Martin Parr
Boring Postcards
Kim Bouvy
Berlin ohne die Mauer
Gilles Mora
Edward Weston
Forms of Passions - Passion of Forms
Bill Barrette
Big City Primer
Reading New York at the End of the Twentieth Century
Albert Watson
UFO - Unified Fashion Objectives
Alberto Garcia - Alix
No me sigas ... estoy perdido
76 - 86
Source #32 - Autumn 2002
Markus Uhr
Die Großen Die Kleinen Die Mittleren
East Side Stories. Gang Life in East LA
Doris Frohnapfel
Border Horizons
Photographs from Europe
Harvey Benge
A Short History of Photography
Hans Engels
Bauhaus-Architektur. Bauhaus Architecture
Text by/von Ulf Meyer
Axel Hütte
Terra Incognita
Bernard Plossu
Lars Tunbjörk
Eurovisions. Cyprus / Estonia / Hungary / Latvia / Lithuania / Malta /Poland / Chzech Republic / Slovakia / Slovenia
John Harten
Public Folder
Launch Issue - Rave / Change
Hellozine #13. A social sculpture for the unsocial type
William A. Ewing
Edward Steichen. In High fashion
Seine Jahre bei Condè Nast 1923 - 1937
Anett Stuth
Heute ist die Vergangenheit. Today is the past
Joel Meyerowitz
Gilles Peress
Die Gräber / Les Tombes / The Graves
Srebenica and Vukovar - ANSICHTS- / RESTEXEMPLAR!
Mauro D'Agati
Nic Nicosia
Terry Jones
Smile i-D
Fashion and Style: The Best from 20 years of i-D
Martin Gasser
Jakob Tuggener. Fotografien
Koos Breukel
Faire Face
Ricardo Daza
Auf der Suche nach Mies
3D-> 2D The Designers In and Out of Architecture
Taken by Design
Photographs from the Institute of Design, 1937 - 1971
Insight Out. Landschaft und Interieur als Themen zeitgenössischer Photographie
Massimo Vitali
Beach and Disco
Luigi Ghirri
It´s beautiful here, isn´t it ..
Rene Burri
77 Strange Sensations
Tomoko Yoneda
Tomoko Yoneda: Hungary, Estonia
In - between 9
Warren Berger
Advertising Today
Lise Sarfati
Fashion Magazine. Austin, Texas
Max Regenberg
Cuny Janssen
Mundos Creados. Latin-American photography
Robert Polidori
Arno Schmidt
Rinko Kawauchi
Cui Cui
Helmut Lederer
Helmut Lederer
Das fotografische Werk 1937-1981
Ben Westwood
Sergey Bratkov
Glory Days
Sabine Vielmo
30.000 Seemeilen
Hellen van Meene
New Work
Garry Winogrand
Arrivals & Departures. The Airport Pictures
Greg Girard
In the Near Distance
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Architecture Of Time
Making Your Dreams Come True. Young British Photography