random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Julian Germain
In Soccer Wonderland
HC, 22 x 28,5 cm., 166 pp.
Booth-Clibborn Editions 1994
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random picks
America First
New York 1960´s
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Die Erde von oben - Tag für Tag
Robert Frank
Hold Still - Keep Going
György Lörinczy
New York, New York
Koos Breukel
Faire Face
Stephan Balkenhol
John Darwell
Photographs inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Tadao Ando
Architektur der Stille
Architecture of Silence
Naoya Hatakeyama
Slow Glass
Hans van der Meer
Dutch Fields
Karin Apollonia Müller
Angels in Falls
Hannah Modigh
Hillbilly Heroin, Honey
James Agee
Let us praise famous men
Ed Ruscha
Robin Muir
John Deakin. London - Paris - Rom. Straßenfotografie
Gilles Mora
Edward Weston
Forms of Passions - Passion of Forms
Cornelia Kemp
Das zweite Gesicht - The other face
Metamorphosen des fotografischen Porträts - Metamorphoses of the Photographic Portrait
Heiner Schilling
Neo Complex City
Christian Skrein
Willem van de Pol
Willem van de Pol
Rinko Kawauchi
Colin Westerbeck
Bystander: A History of Street Photography
with an Afterword on Street Photography Since the 1970s
Bruce Weber
A House is not a Home
Eugene Richards
Dorchester Days
Narita Inspected
Japan Graphic Design Compiler
Wilhelm Schürmann
Waltraud Pioch
Sinnlich Weiblich
Fischli & Weiss
Joseph Mills
Inner City
Hans-Christian Schink
Photography Speaks II. From the Chrysler Museum Collection
70 Photographers on their Art
Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis
Henry Fox Talbot
The Pencil of Nature
Will McBride
Ein Fotobuch
Jewgeni Chaldej
Von Moskau nach Berlin
Larry Towell
The World From My Front Porch
Joakim Eskildsen
Nordtegn - Nordic Signs
Dirk Reinartz
Innere Angelegenheiten
Sergey Shestakov
Journey into the future - stop #1
James Innes-Smith
Bad Hair
Sandro Genovali
Mario Giacomelli
L'evocazione dell'Ombra / Evoking Shadow
Robert Adams
I Hear The Leaves and Love the Light
Sally in the Back Yard
Jonathan Lipkin
Photography Reborn
Image making in the digital era
Lise Sarfati
Fashion Magazine. Austin, Texas