random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Horatiu Sava
(zurück nach) Transsilvanien
edition 365_12
HC, 22 x 18 cm., o.pp.
ex pose 2010
random picks
Pesi Girsch
Natures Mortes
Harvey Benge
Vital Signs
Risaku Suzuki
Mont Sante Victoire
Paul Schimmel
Sigmar Polke
Photoworks: When Pictures Vanish
Martin Parr
Langweilige Postkarten
Christel Boertjes
In Verlangen
Michael Petzel
Meine Freunde, die Stars
Making Your Dreams Come True. Young British Photography
Elina Brotherus
The New Painting
Sigfried Giedion und die Fotografie
Bildinszenierungen der Moderne
Arnold Odermatt
Lisa Eisner
Rodeo Girl
Doug Aitken
New Ocean
Rebecca Solnit
River of Shadows
Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West
Useful Photography No. 007
Jennifer New
Dan Eldon. The Art of Life
? Moschino
Geo D. Oliver
Photographs of an Unwritten Future
The point of travelling: Book One
Matthew Sleeth
Tour of Duty
Eusebius Wirdeier
Zeitraffer Waidmarkt. Bildarchiv 2004 - 2011
Jim Dine
The Photographs so far
Thomas Demand
Camara - Cámara
Albrecht Fuchs
Albrecht Fuchs
Yutaka Takanashi
Yuichi Hibi
A Weekend with Mr. Frank
One Picture book # 35
Martin Parr
The Last Resort. Photographs of New Brighton
Josef Sudek
Smuthá krajina
Morad Bouchakour
No Pain, No Gain
Gerry Johansson
Xiao Hui Wang
Close to the Eyes
Texts by Tilman Spengler and Xiao Hui Wang
Paul Ouwerkerk
Lotus ... State of Mind
Gefesselter Blick
25 kurz Monografien und Beiträge über neue Werbegestaltung
Eusebius Wirdeier
Viel passiert. Das Buch zum BAP-Film
Ed van der Elsken
Liebe in St. Germain des Prés
Erik Van der Weijde
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Jaan Yoors
The Heroic Present
Life among the Gypsies
The Social Scene
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Photography Collections
René Groebli
Erik Kessels
Karl Blossfeldt
Hrsg. v. Ann und Jürgen Wilde
André Cepeda
Francesco Jodice
Cartoline dagli altri spazi
Testi di Sandro Petraglia
Richard Prince
Kenzo Izu
still life
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Cruel and Tender. Fotografie und das Wirkliche
Koji Onaka
Slow Boat
Island. The island of Schiemonnikog by 7 photographers