random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Howard Schatz
HC 30,5 x 23,5 cm. 160pp.
Harper Collins 2002
random picks
Anton Corbijn
A.somebody, strijen,holland
Magnum Stories
Michael Stevenson
The Mlungu in Africa
art from the colonial period, 1840 - 1940
Candida Höfer
Sophie Calle
Wahre Geschichten
Frank Eugene
The Dream of Beauty
György Lörinczy
New York, New York
William Eggleston
Marshall McLuhan
Das Medium ist die Botschaft -the medium is the message
Film und Foto
Internationale Ausstellung des deutschen Werkbundes
Gerhard Richter
Werkverzeichnis 1993 - 2004
Anthony Hernandez
Sons of Adam : Landscapes for the Homeless II
Richard Kern
Idan Hayosh
Jet Master. A Visual Strategy
Matthias Hoch
Fotografien/ Photographs
Joel Meyerowitz
The Arch
Essays by Joel Meyerowitz and Vivian Bower
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Sian Bonnel
From an Elsewhere Unknown
Julian Germain
In Soccer Wonderland
Thomas Struth
Robert Adams
Questions For An Overcast Day
Martin Pudenz
Licht im Himmel
Light in the Heavens
Doris Frohnapfel
Ten Out of Ten
Takashi Homma
Tokyo and My Daughter
Ed Templeton
The Golden Age of Neglect
William Eggleston
Horses & Dogs
Diane Keaton
Mr. Salesman
Paolo Pellegrin
New York
Helmut Newton
Archives de nuit
Japanese Edition
James Innes-Smith
Bad Hair
Anna Auer
Die Wiener Galerie Die Brücke
Ihr internationaler Weg zur Sammlung Fotografie
Hans van der Meer
Spielfeld Europa. Landschaften der Fußball-Amateure
Nan Goldin
Ten Years After
Matthias Petrus Schaller
Rem Koolhaas
Guide to Shopping
Project on the City 2 - Harvard Design School
Danny Lyon
The Destruction of Lower Manhattan
Martin Parr
Christian Lutz
Tropical Gift
John Stathatos
the book of lost cities
Nick Haymes
Between Dog and Wolf
Johann van der Keuken
Abenteuer eines Auges. Filme. Fotos. Texte
Alex Webb
From the Sunshine State
Photographs of Florida
Hans-Peter Feldmann
272 pages
Robert Parke Harrison
The Architect´s Brother
Patrick Tosani
Fotoarbeiten seit 1976
Julian Germain
Vitória: verso e reverso
Ruth Erdt
The Gang
Text by/von Gianni Jetzer
Michael Schmidt
Beaumont's Kitchen
Lessons on food, life, and photography with Beaumont Newhall