random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Johann van der Keuken
The Lucid Eye. The photographic work 1953-2000
HC, 25,5 x 22,5 cm., 236 pp.
Editions de L'Oeil / De Verbeelding 2001
random picks
Richard Misrach
Bravo 20. The Bombing of the American West
Petter Hegre
Tony Worobiec
MONOCHROM und weitere Kunst-Printing-Techniken
Douglas Nickel
Snapshots. The Photography of Everyday Life. 1888 to the Present
Models. A collection of 132 German police uniforms and how they should be worn.
Carl Haenlein (Hrsg.)
Photographie und Bauhaus
Anonymes. L'Amerique sans nom : photographie et cinema
Gregory Crewdson
In a Lonely Place
Hilmar Pabel
Jahre unseres Lebens. Deutsche Schicksalsbilder
Doug Aitken
A-Z Book (Fractals)
Sante d'Orazio
Introduction by John Yau
Christer Strömholm
Christer Strömholm
William Klein
Gozo Yoshimasu
Gozo Yoshimasu: Ireland
In - between 11
Hashem El Madani
Studio Practices
Ute Eskildsen
nützlich, süß und museal
das fotografierte tier
Beaumont's Kitchen
Lessons on food, life, and photography with Beaumont Newhall
Erik Van der Weijde
Albrecht Fuchs
Portraits. 30 Postkarten
Susan Meiselas
Carnival Strippers
Jacob Aue Sobol
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Antoine D´Agata
Home Town
Lennart Olson
From One Side to the Other
Bridges Photography
Harvey Benge
Killing time in paradise
Stephen Gill
Anonymous Origami
Andy Warhol
Shadows and other signs of life. Anniversary notes for Andy Warhol
Alex Kershaw
Robert Capa
Der Fotograf des Krieges
Boris Mikhailov
Case History
Henry Bond
What gets You through the day
La vie quotidienne II
Lartigue en hiver
Ralf Meyer
Architektonische Nachhut
Hinterlassenschaften des Nationalsozialismus
Dariusz Kantor
Von Kohle gezeichnet / Weglem znaczone
Photographien aus sechs Jahrzehnten
Thomas Demand
Cuts, Papers and Leaves. Colomina & Kluge
Christian Lutz
Tropical Gift
Paul Strand
La France de Profil
Naoya Hatakeyama
Naoya Hatakeyama
Iwate Museum of Art
Franz-Xaver Schlegel
Das Leben der toten Dinge
Studien zur modernen Sachfotografie in den USA 1914-1935
Andreas Herzau
New York
Marc Räder
Horst Lang
...als der Pott noch kochte
Photographien aus dem Ruhrgebiet
Ed Templeton
Teenage Smokers
Nanna Hänninen
Fear and Security
Uschi Huber
Dieter Nagel
Public Nudists
Allen Sekula
Geography Lesson: Canadian Notes
Norito Higashimura
Raymond Depardon
Villes / Cities / Städte
Andreas Trogisch
photofolder #6 from 6 folders