random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Nick Waplington
Safety by Numbers
Booth Clibborn 1997
random picks
Garry Winogrand
Stock Photographs. The Fort Worth Fat Stock Show and Rodeo
Rites sacres / Rites profanes
Ves Rencontres de la Photographie Africaine, Bamako 2003
Luke Batten
New Catalogue
Big Ten Co-Eds, Preppy Girls, The Lost Cheerleaders
Fotografieren hieß teilnehmen
Fotografinnen der Weimarer Republik
Ramona Trent
William Eggleston
William Eggleston`s Guide
Shomei Tomatsu
Skin of the Nation
Karin Apollonia Müller
Angels in Falls
Max Regenberg
Come To Where
Cruel and Tender. Fotografie und das Wirkliche
Stephen Gill
Archaeology in Reverse
Special Ed.
Julian Germain
Annelies Oberdanner
Stephen Shore
The Velvet Years 1965-67. Warhol's Factory
Gilles Mora
William Eugene Smith. The Camera as Conscience
Rainer Metzger
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Differenz und Wiederholung in Bildern der Sammlung Olbricht
William Klein
In and Out Fashion
Dieter Nagel
Public Nudists
Mechthild Op Gen OOrth
Berlin Berlin
J.C. Tordai
A People Called Palestine
Stanley Greene
Black passport. Journal eines Kriegsfotografen
Emmanulelle De l'Ecotais
Man Ray. Photography and its Doubles
Christopher Griffith
Pipilotti Rist
Remake of the Weekend
Joan Fontcuberta
Deconstructing Osama
The truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi
Paul Seawright
Field Notes
Martin Fengel
Journal of Science
Josef Koudelka
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Photographs by Lee Friedlander
Manabu Yamanaka
Frauen sehen Frauen. Eine Bildgeschichte der Frauen-Photographie von Julia Margaret Cameron bis Inez van Lamsweerde
Walker Evans
Esko Männikkö
The Female Pike
Early Work of Cindy Sherman
Antoine D´Agata
Willi Rose
Shadows of War. A German Soldier's Lost Photographs of WW II
Corinna Schnitt
DG Bank Kunststipendium 2000/2001
Jan Banning
Comfort Women
Sir Benjamin Stone
A record of England
Stefan Canham
Portraits from Above - Hongkong's Informal Rooftop communities
Die Erfindung der Wirklichkeit. Photographie an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf von 1970 bis heute
Larry Clark
Jan van Ijken
A touch of Divinity
Images of devotion in Eastern Europe
Eric Rondepierre
Wolfgang Vollmer
Eine Novelle der Fotografie
Eduardo Del Valle
From the Ground Up
Susanne Lange
Bernd und Hilla Becher
Festschrift Erasmuspreis 2002
Taryn Simon
The Innocents
Vladimir Birgus
Czech Photography of the 20th Century - A Guide
Martha Rosler
In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer
An der Stelle der Öffentlichkeit: Beobachtungen einer Vielfliegerin
Geirmunder Klein