random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Eusebius Wirdeier
Noh un Noh
HC, 24 x 32,5 cm., 223 pp.
Emons 1996
random picks
Martin Roemers
Relics of the Cold War
Fischli & Weiss
Kid's Wear Vol. 20
Spring/Summer 2005
Eusebius Wirdeier
Zeitraffer Waidmarkt. Bildarchiv 2004 - 2011
Fotografische Recherchen in der Stadt
Paul Hill
Dialogue and photography
Wu Hung
Between Past and Future
New Photography and Video from China
Una Hunderi
Happy End of the World
Peripherie und Fotografie
Taiyo Onorato
The Great Unreal
Joel Sternfeld
Sweet Earth. Experimental Utopias in America
Susanne Gerber
KUNST.STOFF.TÜTEN / Plastic bags
Beautiful Frames
With Essays by Michael Mack
Albrecht Tübke
Peter Galassi
Walker Evans & Company
Koos Breukel
Faire Face
Stephen Gill
Outside in
Takehiko Nakafuji
Enter the Mirror
Fakir Musafar
Spirit + Flesh
Stephen Gill
Hackney Flowers
Special Ed.
Deutschlandbilder. Ostkreuz / 17 fotografische Positionen35
Heinz Held
Köln in Wirtschaftswunderzeiten
Lucinda Devlin
Pleasure Ground
Chris Steele-Perkins
Tokyo Love Hello
Bruce Davidson
Jörn Vanhöfen
Mariken Wessels
Elisabeth - I want to eat
Rineke Dijkstra
Paula Modersohn-Becker Portraits
Helmut Gernsheim
Pionier der Fotogeschichte/ Pioneer of Photo History
The Big Book of Typographics
Michael Wolf
Tokyo Compression Revisited
Alex Webb
From the Sunshine State
Photographs of Florida
Michael Wolf
Hong Kong: front door / back door
Frank Darius
Willkommen im Garten / Welcome to the garden
Lukas Felzmann
Waters in Between
Sigfried Giedion und die Fotografie
Bildinszenierungen der Moderne
Stanley Greene
Black passport. Journal eines Kriegsfotografen
Oliver Sieber
Imaginary club
Anders Petersen
Dear Diary
Claus Goedicke
Rinaldis Viksaitis
Grimaces of the weary village
Gregory Crewdson
Beneath the Roses
Shift! Lichtbildvortrag
Paul Graham
New Europe
Andreas Gursky
Fotografien 1984-1993
Hrsg. v. Zdenek Felix
Hiroshi Ono
Hiroshi Ono: Austria, Slovenia
In - between 4
Philip Jones Griffiths
Vietnam at Peace
Gregory Crewdson
In a Lonely Place
Martin Parr
Signes des temps
Larry Sultan
Pictures from Home
Vittore Fossati
In riva ai fiumi vicino ai ponti
Luc Delahaye
Dominique Issermann
Anne Rohart
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Landschaften und Städte
Texte von Erik Orsenna und Gérard Macé
Henrik Malmström
On borrowed time. Lainatulla Ajalla - Pa lanad tid
Jamel Shabazz
Back in the days
Fischli & Weiss
Peter Fischli & David Weiss