random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Richter Verlag Düsseldorf
SC 12 x 43 cm. 54 pp.
Richter Verlag 2002
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random picks
Daido Moriyama
The world through my eyes
Elger Esser
Cap d´Antifer - Étretat
Hiro Matsuoka
The Undescribed Dance
032c Nr. 8
Winter 2004/2005
Karl Blossfeldt
Hrsg. v. Ann und Jürgen Wilde
Erik Kessels
In Almost Every Picture.
Peter Galassi
Phillip Lorca DiCorcia
Raymond Depardon
Villes / Cities / Städte
Walker Evans
Simple Secrets
Photographs from the Collection of Marian and Benjamin A. Hill
Sophie Ristelhueber
Details of The World
Beate Kemfert (Ed.)
Road Atlas. Straßenfotografie von Helen Levitt bis Pieter Hugo.
Stefan Bladh
The Family. 2002 - 2009
Jean-Marc Bustamante
André Wagner
Twilight Views
Sonderedition Europäischer Monat der Fotografie in Berlin 2010
Stephen Shore
The Gardens at Giverny
John Baldessari
Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange)
Daido Moriyama
DESERT AMERICA Territory of Paradox
Lee Friedlander
Self Portrait
Photographs by Lee Friedlander
Hans W. Mende
Grenzarchiv West-Berlin 1978/1979
Jerusalem Exposure
Peter Weiermair
Die Sammlung E.J.
Bruce Davidson
Time of Change. Civil Rights Photography 1961 - 1965
Ruth Horak
Rethinking Photography I+II
Thomas Weski
How you look at it. Fotografien des 20. Jahrhunderts
Kalte Herzen. Klasse Rautert
Fotografie/Video/Installation - HGB Leipzig
Walker Evans
The Lost Work
Alexander Gnädinger
100 Girls On Polaroid
India through the lens. Photography 1840-1911
Boris Becker
Colin Westerbeck
Bystander: A History of Street Photography
with an Afterword on Street Photography Since the 1970s
Rob Hornstra
101 Billionaires - Crisis Edition!
Rainer K. Wick
Eugen Batz
Ein Bauhaus - Künstler fotografiert
Bernard Faucon
Bernard Faucon
Ken Schles
The Geometry of Innocence
Miroslav Tichy
Lewis Baltz
Park City
Juergen Teller
Zwei Schäuferle mit Kloß und eine Kinderportion Schnitzel mit Pommes Frites
Das Versprechen der Fotografie
Die Sammlung der DG Bank Hrsg. von Luminita Sabau
Albert Renger-Patzsch
Die Welt der Pflanze
Photographien von Albert Renger-Patzsch aus dem Auriga Verlag
Magnum Landscape
Takashi Homma
Stars and Stripes
New York December 26, 2001 - January 5, 2002
Serge Clément
fragant light
The Terry Richardson Purple Book
Bill Jacobson
A series of human decisions
Purple #16
Deanna Templeton
17 Days
Fischli & Weiss
The B-Thing
Stefanie Schneider
Stranger than Paradise. nd - projects
Tom Wood
Not only female...
Ute Eskildsen
nützlich, süß und museal
das fotografierte tier
Kai-Uwe Gundlach
EDO. Three Chapters Tokyo
Nakahira Takuma
Number 36
Terri Weifenbach