random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Ute Behrend
Girls, some boys and other cookies
HC, 19 x 28 cm., o.pp.
Scalo 1996
"Brave girls need good shoes so they can run away when things get dangerous."
random picks
Richter Verlag Düsseldorf
Willi Moegle
Die Sachfotografie
Philip Ursprung
Grenzen der Kunst
Allan Kaprow und das Happening Robert Smithson und die Land Art
Helmar Lerski
Metamorphosen des Gesichts
Die "Verwandlungen durch Licht" von Helmar Lerski
John Davies
Cross Currents
Der Gefrorene Augenblick
Daguerreotypie in Sachsen 1839 - 1860
Susan Kismaric (Ed.)
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
David Campany
Art and Photography
Vivian Maier
Die Staßenfotografin - Coming up in September! Pre-Order now!
VERY. 140
Justin Winz
Your journey. Visual poetry.
Ivan Zulueta
Mientras tanto ...
Manfred Faßler
Ohne Spiegel leben. Sichtbarkeiten und posthume Menschenbilder
Tim Davis
My Life In Politics
Achim Riechers
Hard Light
John Gossage
Berlin in the time of the Wall
An exhibition about a book and its photographs
Joel Sternfeld
American Prospects
Jessica Backhaus
Jesus and the Cherries
Günter Blum
Walter Niedermayr
Civil Operations
Toni Schneiders
Fotografie und Form. Photography and Form
Bettina Rheims
More Trouble
Lawrence Weiner
How to touch what
M. Vorobeichich (Moi Ver)
80 Photographies de Moï Ver
Michael Schmidt
Berlin nach 45
Camera Austria
International 89/2005
Morten Andersen
Jetlag and alkohol
Ernst Schwitters
Ernst Schwitters in Norwegen. 1930 - 1960
Ron Galella
The Photographs of Ron Galella
Gianni Berengo Gardin
Italians Italiener
Thomas Flechtner
Nicolas Nixon
Country Life in the Urban Age
Erich Hartmann
Where I was
Theorie der Fotografie Band I - IV
Daido Moriyama
Lettre á St. Loup
Jörg Sasse
Arbeiten am Bild
Bernd Arnold
Das Kölner Heil. Fotografien 1986 -1996
Bruce Weber
The Chop Suey Club
Koji Onaka
Tokyo Candy Box
Ian Jeffrey
Universal Pictures
Stephen Shore
Uncommon Places. 50 unpublished photographs 1973-1978
Bernhard Fuchs
Alec Soth
Sleeping by the Mississippi
Kid's Wear Vol. 20
Spring/Summer 2005
Frits Weeda
In de schaduw van de welvaart
1958 - 1965
Jeff Wall
Space and Vision
Espen Krughaug