random picks - Projects * Publishing * for International Contemporary Photography * Photobook Library 1998-2012
Michael Light
LA Day / La Night
HC, 27 x 42 cm., o.pp.
Radius 2010
random picks
Ata Kando
Kalypso & Nausikaä
Foto´s naar Homerus' Odyssee
Gerard Petrus Fieret
Heinrich Heidersberger
Architekturphotographie 1952 - 72
Rainer K. Wick
Das Neue Sehen. Von der Fotografie am Bauhaus zur Subjektiven Fotografie
Jan Wenzel
Andreas Mueller-Pohle
Foto + Video 1977-1999
Gabriele Basilico
Beyrouth 1991 (2003)
Fukase Masahisa
Number 34
Steve Christ
The Polaroid Book
Daido Moriyama
Lettre á St. Loup
Arnold Odermatt
Meine Welt. Photographien/ Photographs 1939-1993
Todd Hido
Landscape Photographs 1994 - 2004
August Sander
Köln wie es war
August Sander Werkausgabe
Josef Koudelka
Mission Photographique Transmanche
David Byrne
True Stories
Mark Power
The Sound of Two Songs
Florian van Roekel
How Terry likes his Coffee. A Photo Essay into Office Life
Michael Mack
Reconstructing Space:
Architecture in recent Germany Photography
Joachim Brohm
Fahren / Drive
What is that Thing called Photography
Fabio Boni
Evelyn Richter
Evelyn Richter. Rückblick Konzepte Fragmente
Jeff Wall
Photographs. The Hasselblad Award 2002
Ann-Sofi Sidén
In Between The Best Of Worlds
Jouko Lehtoula
JAM: Tokyo-London. Die photokina-Bilderschauen 1950-1980
Renée Scharzenbach-Wille
Bilder mit Legenden
Lee Friedlander
American Musicians
Baptiste Lignel
Coney Island
Martin Fengel
Martin Fengel
Franz Lazi
Karianne Bueno
De Overkant. Amsterdam Noord
Simon Roberts
We English
Manfred Willmann
Pesi Girsch
Natures Mortes
Egbert Haneke
Vis motrix
Stephen Shore
Der Rote Bulli. Stephen Shore und die Neue Düsseldorfer Fotografie / ... and the New Düsseldorf Photography
Sophie Calle
John Gossage
There and Gone. 124 Photographs
Haraldur Jonsson
TSOYL - The story of your life
René Groebli
Rail Magic
Hans-Michael Koetzle
Photographers A-Z
Mark Morrisroe
Nina Poppe
AMA - Collector's Ed. with 2 prints
Marks of Honour
"Dont talk bullshit what are you doing?"
Reflections on the unique homage project Marks of Honour